Wednesday, July 2, 2014

NIGERIA: Northern block makers comply with cement classification

Piqued by the menace of building collapse in the country, northern block makers have given heed to earlier instruction by the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) on block classification. Block makers in the region have resorted to using 42.5R cement in compliance with SON’s directive on cement grades and usages.

SON had issued a directive that 52.5R be used for bridges, 42.5R be used for casting of columns, beams, slabs and making blocks, while the low grade 32.5MPA was restricted to plastering. Speaking during a sensitisation seminar organised by Dangote Cement Plc, block makers in the North said they have complied, as most of them now use 42.5R for making blocks.

Fielding questions from newsmen in Kaduna recently, Chairman of the Kaduna State Blocks and Concrete Makers Association (BCMA), Alhaji Hamza Haruna Gambo, said all his members have complied with the SON directive on cement classification.

Gambo, who owns block-making factories across the country said the directive was in national interest and that most block makers in the North now use Dangote 3X cement as it is the only cement with 42.5R grade, which meets SON’s specification.

He urged those who have not complied to do so as his association was desirous of supporting government in its effort to stamp out what he described as “senseless killing of innocent people” as a result of building collapse in the country.

“We’ve been using the new improved cement for the past two months. Those of our members who will refuse to comply, we would deal with them according to our constitution,” he added.

He commended the Dangote Group for organising the seminar across the country, saying it would add value to block making businesses and safety of Nigerians.

Speaking to newsmen in Kaduna, the Sales Regional Director of Dangote Cement Plc, Mr. Shola Alo, said the seminar is aimed at sensitising block makers on the new directive of SON, as well as educate them on issues bordering on manufacturing, marketing, sales, cement usage and at the same time lend a helping hand and get a feedback.

Mr. Olaniyi Johnson, Regional Sales Director who handled the technical aspect of the training said the seminars across the North are paying off as they enable the end users to make right choices and at the same time avoid unethical practices in the application of cement.

In Kano, the Chairman of the Block Makers Association, Malam Ya’u Suleiman, said the training would, without doubt, help his members in making the right decision. He said his members now use 42.5R cement produced by the Dangote Cement Plc.

Alhaji Yau Ahmad, Chairman of the Progress Block Industry in Suleja Niger State said his company only uses the 42.5R cement produced by the Dangote Cement Plc, adding that it was in the interest of all Nigerians to do so.

The cement company also supported the block makers with wheelbarrows, shovels, boots and hand gloves.

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