Friday, September 28, 2012

PARAGUAY: Aumenta venta de cemento nacional

En los dos últimos meses se incrementó la venta de cemento de origen local, incluso antes de la reactivación de las obras públicas.

Tal es así que julio y agosto fueron los dos primeros meses del año en que la Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) no tuvo déficit financiero gracias al mayor movimiento comercial, al obtener una ganancia de G. 633.924 el primer mes y G. 61.846.053 en el segundo. Aún así, la pérdida acumulada de la estatal al cierre de 2012 será de alrededor de G. 24.000 millones.

Esta leve mejoría en la situación financiera se dio luego de la recuperación de varios clientes importantes, y el aumento de la producción, según afirmó el presidente de la estatal, Carlos Krüssel. Según los datos de INC, el promedio mensual de venta de cemento que se registró en el primer semestre del año fue por valor de G. 26.468 millones, en tanto que para julio, saltó a G. 38.460 millones y llegó a G. 42.363 millones en agosto.

Hasta el 19 de setiembre se alcanzó el promedio más alto de ventas diarias de cemento en el año, al llegar a las 59.357 bolsas.

Según el histórico de ventas de la estatal, el promedio más bajo del año en venta diaria de bolsas de cemento se observó en el mes de enero, cuando el número fue de apenas 19.643 por día. Ese mes, de acuerdo con los antecedentes, se registró una acentuada bajante de río, que además de afectar la provisión de fueloíl, perjudicó el traslado del clínker.

EEUU: Lafarge cède des actifs à Eagle Materials

Lafarge a annoncé mercredi la cession de ses activités ciments, granulats et béton dans les Etats du Missouri et de l'Oklahama au groupe américain Eagle Materials pour 446 millions de dollars (347 millions d'euros).

"Les activités cédées comprennent les cimenteries de Kansas City (Missouri) et de Tulsa (Oklahoma) et les terminaux de distribution associés. Lafarge cède également ses activités de béton prêt-à-l'emploi et de granulats à Kansas City", précise le groupe français dans un communiqué.

"A l'issue de cette opération, soumise à l'approbation des autorités compétentes, Lafarge comptera aux Etats-Unis neuf cimenteries ou stations de broyage ainsi que les terminaux de distribution associés, d'une capacité de production totale de 11 millions de tonnes."

Lors de la publication de ses résultats du deuxième trimestre fin juillet, Lafarge avait confirmé son objectif d'au moins un milliard d'euros de cessions d'actifs cette année.

A fin juin, le groupe avait déjà cédé 100 millions d'euros d'actifs. Avec la cession à Eagle, Lafarge est donc désormais proche de la barre de 500 millions d'euros.

COLOMBIA: Producción de cemento gris alcanzó 939,6 mil toneladas

El Dane informó que la producción de cemento gris logró las 939,6 mil toneladas, es decir, 0,2% en comparación con el mismo período en 2011. Se enviaron 906,5 toneladas de cemento gris este mes, un decrecimiento de 1,1% a causa de la disminución de despachos al canal de comercialización, una cifra de .8,8%, esto restó 5,1 puntos porcentuales a esa variación.

Los despachos al mercado nacional presentaron un incremento de 8,7%, además, se registró un crecimiento de 6,1% en los últimos doce meses, los principales incrementos son del cemento gris despachado a constructores y contratistas un 32,2% y concretas un 16,2% que en conjunto aportan 7,9 puntos porcentuales a la variación total.

En lo que va corrido del año, la producción de cemento gris incrementó en 3,0 %, lo que significa, 7.247,9 mil toneladas al mercado nacional, aumentaron en 6.979,9% toneladas, un 6,1%, los principales incrementos son de constructores y contratistas 33,9% y concreteras 13,3% que aumentó la variación porcentual a 7,7%.

ESPAÑA: Cementos Portland (FCC) presenta un segundo ERE para 299 trabajadores del área de hormigón y áridos

Cementos Portland ha presentado a los sindicatos un expediente de regulación de empleo (ERE) para su división de hormigón y áridos que afectará a 299 empleados, alrededor del 30% del millar de empleados con que cuenta este área de la filial de FCC, según informaron a Europa Press en fuentes del sector.

Se trata del segundo ajuste de personal que la compañía realiza, tras el acordado en julio para la división de cemento de 250 trabajadores, que se acometerá a través de prejubilaciones, recolocaciones y extinciones de contrato.

Ambos se enmarcan en el plan NewVal 2012-2013 que Cementos Portland ha puesto en marcha para ajustarse al desplome de la demanda por el parón constructor y garantizar su viabilidad futura.

Estos dos ERE constituyen dos de las tres 'patas' de este plan de reestructuración de la cementera que preside Juan Béjar. La tercera será un ajuste en estructura corporativa. Todos ellos se complementan con el acuerdo de refinanciación de deuda cerrado en julio.

En el caso del ERE de la división de hormigón y áridos, Cementos Portland acaba de presentarlo ante los sindicatos con el fin de comenzar a negociar el próximo 3 de octubre. La cementera ya arrancó el pasado martes, 25 de septiembre, la negociación con los sindicatos el ajuste de la división de cementos.

AFRICA: Mauritanie : les Ciments du Nord souhaitent s’étendre en Guinée

La société mauritaniennes des Ciments du Nord a l’intention d’ouvrir une usine en Guinée. Ce projet a été l’objet de l’audience accordée mardi dernier par le président guinéen Alpha Condé au Directeur Général de la société, Mohamed Abdallah Ould Zein. L’usine en projet doit être installée dans la capitale Conakry, dans la zone industrielle de Kagbélén, pour un coût de 20 millions de dollars. Le projet et déjà agréé et le délai pour sa construction est estimé à deux ans. Mais cette usine de ciment n’est pas le seul projet que la compagnie mauritanienne a en tête. Elle envisage également de mettre sur pied d’autres usines dont l’une dans le domaine des pâtes alimentaires et une autre dans celui de la pasteurisation de l’eau. Le coût de ces deux projets est d’environ 30 millions de dollars. La Guinée, par le président Alpha Condé et ensuite par le ministre de l’Industrie et des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises Hadja Ramatoulaye Bah qui a introduit la délégation mauritanienne, se montre enchantée par ces projets. Ils répondent en effet aux besoins d’industrialisation du pays et d’amélioration des conditions de vie de la population.

Inaugurée en 2003 avec une production annuelle initiale de 4 000 tonnes, la Société des Ciments du Nord fait également dans le négoce du ciment en poudre. Jusque là, son activité se limitait à la ville où se situe son siège en Mauritanie, Nouadhibou.

AFRICA: Nigeria: SEC Approves South African Firm to Acquire 63 Percent of Dangote Flour

The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Nigerian Stock Exchange have approved the acquisition of 63.3 percent of Dangote Flour Mills Plc by a South African consumer goods firm, the Tiger Brands, Dangote Group said yesterday in an advertorial.

The deal was done under a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement which involves the sale of 3, 167, 716, 667 ordinary shares to Tiger Brands Limited out of the Dangote Industries Limited's 3, 667, 716, 667 ordinary shares of 50 kobo each in Dangote Flour Mills Plc.

Dangote Industries Limited will retain a strategic interest of 10 percent of the total issued ordinary share capital of Dangote Flour Mill for a minimum period of five years after implementation of the transaction.

After this, the Group will have the right to appoint two directors to the Board of Dangote Flour, with Alhaji Aliko Dangote continuing as the chairman of the company.

The deal is Tiger Brands' third and the biggest yet in Nigeria, which is seen as a growth area for consumer and food products.

"Tiger Brands believes, particularly for consumer goods, that the potential of the Nigerian market is significant," the company said in a statement.

The company is the second largest flour milling company in Nigeria with a market share of about 30 percent. It also has about 40 percent of the country's pasta market.

Tiger Brands has been ramping up its expansion in fast-growing African markets and last year increased its footprint outside its home base with acquisitions in Nigeria and Ethiopia.

Dangote Industries Limited is a leading diversified business conglomerate established in May 1981, with business activities spanning cement, sugar, salt, flour and semolina, pasta, noodles, poly products, logistics and real estate.

Tiger Brands Limited is a branded fast-moving consumer packaged goods based in Sandton, South Africa and operating primarily in South Africa and selected emerging markets. It has significant presence in over 28 countries in Africa with business offerings spanning grains, consumer brands among others.

AFRICA: Cement Company cries foul –Over port land

Greenview International Limited, a cement bagging company at Tema is claiming it has been shortchanged in a land deal it reportedly entered into with COCOBOD, over a parcel of land situated at the Tema Port.

On-going investigations The Chronicle is conducting from the port community revealed that in early 2000, in a bid to end the monopoly enjoyed by GHACEM in the distribution of cement in the country, Nigerian business magnet Dangote showed interest to setup a cement bagging plant here.

Environmental challenges were cited when the sod-cutting took place close to the COCOBOD research plant. Residents of Tema Community ‘Two’, led by engineer Mr. Francis Tuyee, kicked against siting the plant close to the community and the COCOBOD research laboratory, which finding they argued was going to be contaminated.

COCOBOD also advanced its protest against the location of the plant, but later agreed with the Dangote group to relocate the research plant before they could establish their factory. Greenview International, the Dangote group, went ahead to pay $500,000 to COCOBOD about five years ago.

Meanwhile, the land on which the laboratory was situated was a lease from the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA). The Chronicle investigations has meanwhile revealed that earlier, GPHA notified the cocoa company of its intention not to renew the lease agreement when it expired, and as such made provision for COCOBOD at Djata-Bu near Community ‘Three’, to house the laboratory just like the new Cocoa sheds.

WILMAR Africa, a Malaysian vegetable oil giant, attempted to establish its refinery on a land near the fishing harbor, but met resistance from the youth, and so GPHA decided to offer the oil company a new place. The only land available was to the west of the laboratory and so it was given to WILMAR Africa who are currently constructing the vegetable oil refinery.

An appeal was made by WILMAR Africa to GPHA for a bigger land to accommodate its flour mill, but the closest was the COCOBOD laboratory which lease was expiring. Now Greenview International want to put up permanent office block on the said land to vacate from its current temporary containerized administrative structure, but that cannot be done because GPHA has leased the land to WILMAR Africa.


On 7th February 2011, Director-General, Mr. Nestor P. Galley signed a letter to the Managing Director of WILMAR AFRICA LTD. and stated that in August 2010, the office of the Director-General of Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority proposed to visit your company and the Port of Singapore with the Board of Directors and Management staff.

However, the visit could not materialize at the time. We are renewing our request for the proposed visit to take place during the last week of February 2011, or anytime convenient to both parties.

GPHA is governed by an eleven (11) member Board of Directors appointed by the Government of Ghana in 2009. The members of the Board have different professional backgrounds, some of which are not maritime industry related.

The objective of the visit, therefore, was to enable the Board members to familiarize themselves with Wilmar’s operations and activities at the Port of Singapore. “Of particular interest to the Board will be the industries of Wilmar Company as a result of your decision to establish an edible oil industrial complex in the Port of Tema.”

Our information is that Sector Minister, Alhaji Collins Dauda and the GPHA entire board, led by its chairman, Alhaji Abukari Sumani, and some technocrats at the authority made the trip.

Negotiation for the extra land was reportedly concluded during the trip. Again on December 7th 2011, Mr. Galley signed another letter captioned OFFER OF LAND – PLOT NO. 23, TEMA PORT, and stated that: “we refer to your application for extra land for Flour Processing Plant and do hereby forward to you Site Plan No. TM/PL1/101 dated 7th December, 2011, showing a developed plot of an approximate size of 16,296m2 or 4.026 acres which the Authority is prepared to lease to you on the following terms and conditions.”

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

BOLIVIA: Fancesa presenta nueva política de comercialización y producción en el país

El Gerente General de la Fábrica Nacional de Cemento SA (Fancesa), Mirko Gardilcic, presentó el viernes la nueva política empresarial de producción y comercialización y el proyecto línea de ampliación productiva de clinker de esa factoría.

"La misión de Fancesa es constituirse en la empresa líder en el mercado nacional, para ese propósito necesariamente tenemos que implementar nuestra capacidad productiva y consolidar nuestros mercados de venta a nivel nacional. Estas dos propuestas que presentamos, que se denominaron nuevas políticas de producción y comercialización, están orientadas al objetivo conclusivo", subrayó.

Explicó que la propuesta tiene el objetivo de adoptar un sistema mixto de distribución, con mayor cantidad de agencias privadas y propias en el país, tarea para la cual, anunció que se licitará la instalación de nuevas agencias, tanto en las ciudades y provincias, suspendiendo los despachos actuales después de las adjudicaciones.

"Para este propósito se contempla la apertura de otra sucursal de Oro en Santa Cruz para incrementar las ventas en detalle, mientras que la licitación de agencias en esa ciudad, definirá rangos mínimos y máximos de despachos", complementó.

Según cálculos preliminares, se estima despachar entre 20.000 y 50.000 bolsas por mes, mientras que para los demás mercados se establece premisas similares entre 9.000 y 15.000 bolsas, con estrategias de seguimiento y control.

Por otro lado, con el proyecto "Línea de ampliación de capacidad productiva" se pretende consolidar la sexta ampliación, con una inversión total de 43.309.389 dólares, que comprende las fase de trituración y molino Z2, equipos Kawasaki, supervisión, montaje y costos de internación, que permitirán una producción de la producción de cemento a 314.133 toneladas en 2013.

"En la gestión 2012 la capacidad de producción en toneladas es de 78.533, porque la producción de cemento está limitada y por esa razón surgió la necesidad de contar con otra línea adicional de clinker, que justifica el actual proyecto", aseguró el Gerente General de Fancesa.

En consecuencia, dijo que la proyección de ingresos por ventas en la gestión 2013 será de 47.057.173 dólares, contra el ingreso previsto para 2012 de 11.764.203 dólares.

URUGUAY: Ancap to invest US$330mn in Paysandú

Uruguays's state oil and cement company Ancapwill invest up to US$330mn in upgrading its cement production in Paysandú, company president Raúl Sendic told reporters during a visit to the site.

Ancap plans to upgrade the existing cement plant by investing US$120mn in new equipment in order to boost production to 800,000t/y from the current 250,000t/y.

Some US$30mn will be invested in strengthening the railways that runs between Paysandú and a quarry in Queguay.

At the same time, another US$34mn will go toward new port infrastructure in Santa Marta that will be able to handle bulk materials and liquids.

Ancap plans to invest the remaining US$145mn in a new ethanol facility with a production capacity of around 70,000m3/y of biofuel and 60,000t/y of cattle feed.

RUSSIA: Cement production in Russia to reach record 61 million tonnes in 2012 - September 2012

The construction industry has been one of the major catalysts for economic growth in Russia over the past few years. This role is expected to intensify in the coming years, largely supported by multi-billion rouble investments by public authorities in construction projects planned for the near future. 

During the first half of the year, construction output managed to maintain a growth pace above that of the GDP, recording a 5.4% expansion in year on year terms while GDP managed to expand by only 4.5% for the same period. At the same time, the production of cement in Russia totalled nearly 27.8 million tonnes in H1 2012, representing a 14.1% annual increase. However, the high base set during the summer of 2011 contributed partly to a deceleration in annual growth rates to 12.7% for the first seven months of the year and to 11.5% for the January-August period.

AFRICA: Kenya: Bamburi Cement Luncheon for Its Partners

Bamburi Cement, one of the leading cement production companies in Africa, recently held a spectacular luncheon at the Boma Hotel, Nairobi's South C area, as a thanksgiving gesture to its Nairobi partners. Graced by top officials at Bamburi, the event was attended by its Nairobi distributors and other partners in the cement business.

Speaking during the event, Bamburi Cement sales and marketing director Steve Okeyo said the company is taking stock of what it has achieved in the past financial year. "You can trust the company is here to stay longer with you and that's why we recognise your efforts in marketing and selling our product - cement," Okeyo said.

Twin Tunes Band comprising Thomas Tembo and Sheena Kadu made the afternoon refreshing by playing soft and lingala music that provided a perfect atmosphere for networking among those in attendance.

PAKISTAN: Cement export posts 20% growth in 2 months

Cement export from the country during the first two months of current financial year posted growth of 20.38 percent as compared to the same period of last year.

According to data of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), about 1,154,554 metric ton cement worth $91.356 million was exported during the period from July to August 2012 as against the export of 1,457,677 metric tonnes costing $75.891 million in same period of last year 
Cement export from the country recorded 11.80 percent during the month of August as compared to export of last month as about 609,429 metric tonnes cement valuing $45.159 million during the period under review as compared to the export of 545,125 metric tonnes worth $46.197 million during the month of July 2012.

During the period from July-August 2012, the export of gems and jewellery registered growth of 35.34 percent and 156.45 percent, respectively as about 2 metric tonnes of gems worth $0.540 million exported as against 1 metric tonne valuing $0.339 million of same period last year, it revealed.

Meanwhile, jewellery worth $339.76 million was exported during the first two months of current financial year as compared to $132.48 million during same period of last year.

However, the export of furniture remained on down track and decreased by 29.35 percent during the first two months of current financial year where as handicraft exports remain stagnant.

The data further revealed that the export of molasses registered 7.29 percent growth as 1,923 metric tons of molasses costing $0.265 million exported as against 2,025 metric tonnes of $0.247 million in same period last year.

PAKISTAN: Cement sector turns profitable in FY12

Despite rising energy cost with higher oil prices and gas cess, the cement manufacturers’ remained comfortable with gross margin increasing by 7pps to 30 per cent during FY12. However, 17 per cent increase in financial charges to Rs8.7 billion amid currency devaluation and higher borrowing (particularly in 1H) diluted their bottomline. Thanks to robust increase in cement prices (up 26 per cent), profits of cement companies have increased by 7x in FY12 to Rs16 billion ($168 million). Interestingly, out of 10 companies which have announced their full year results, only one cement company has posted losses in FY12 whereas last time almost 50 per cent of cement companies were in losses. Thus, better cement sector outlook and turnaround in FY12 is expected as the cement sector posted 119 per cent return during 2012 to date as well. A report, released on Tuesday, has analysed 10 cement companies (representing 76 per cent of market capitalisation) as the rest have not yet announced their full year results, while Javedan Corporation, has also been excluded as it was non-operational during FY12. Farhan Mehmood, in its report, said that one of the turnaround stories for cement manufacturers in FY12 was sharp rise in local cement demand which led to improvement in cement prices at local arena. This led to handsome increase in total revenues by 33 per cent to Rs123 billion ($1.3 billion) where local volumetric sales remained higher by 9 per cent to 24 million tons in FY12. According to experts, local cement prices improved by an average 26 per cent during FY12, however, total sales during FY12 (local + exports) stood at 32.6 million tons, up 4 per cent.Profits of Kohat cement grew by massive 26x followed by DG Khan Cement (up 24x) whereas most of the companies which had operational issues due to high cost of production and high leverage, turned their losses into profits in FY12. Experts said that amidst constant hike in power tariff and petroleum products, the prices of cement in upcountry have fallen by Rs10-15 per 50kg bag to Rs 425-420 during one week. Industry sources said that decrease in price is attributable to seasonal decline in dispatches owing to intense rainfalls in northern region hindering construction and transportation activities.Experts said that cement prices in India also saw a correction during August and Sept 2012 and declined by Rs10-30/bag MoM across regions due to the onset of monsoons. They, however, said the decline in price was for short term and it would revert back soon because jump in cost of production.Industry sources informed that cement industry has not yet passed on the impact of recent increases in input prices of electricity, gypsum, devaluation of Pak rupee and transportation of goods from Karachi by any unit in the north zone due to severely depressed demand. Energy, which constitutes more than 60 per cent cost of production, has taken a quantum jump in a couple of years.