Friday, November 26, 2010

PARAGUAY: Capaco propone importar cemento desde fuera del Mercosur

Ana Luci Porro, presidenta de la Cámara Paraguaya de la Construcción (Capaco), afirmó este viernes que planteará al MIC la posibilidad de importar cemento de países fuera del Mercosur.

“Estamos buscando traer cemento extra zona. El Mercosur está limitado en cuanto a la capacidad (…) En el Mercosur tampoco hay excedente de cemento”, dijo Porro en entrevista con radio 970 AM. 

La presidenta de Capaco pidió al Gobierno, a través del Ministerio de Industria y Comercio (MIC), que solucione lo antes posible el problema de la producción de cemento, que se viene arrastrando hace tiempo. 

Este miércoles, el horno de clínker de la INC volvió a dejar de producir. 

Porro además propuso la creación de una fábrica paralela de cemento para la modernización del ente público.

ESPAÑA: Cemex augura cuatro años "de contención de consumo" de cemento en el mercado español

Invertirá 3,5 millones en su planta de Morata (Zaragoza) en 2011
Cemex augura aún un periodo de cuatro años de "contención" del consumo de cemento en el mercado español, según indicó el director de la planta que la multinacional tiene en Morata de Jalón (Zaragoza), Jesús Martínez.
La compañía asegura que los actuales datos de producción de cemento en España se equiparan a los del año 1973, como consecuencia del descenso del consumo de este material de construcción por el parón construcción y la crisis económica.
En este sentido, la firma avanzó su previsión de que la producción de la factoría zaragozana se reduzca hasta las 110.000 toneladas en 2011.
Pese a ello, Cemex no contempla por el momento realizar ningún ajuste de plantilla en España. "No habrá despidos ni expedientes de regulación de empleo, sino que los ajustes se irán produciendo a medida que los empleados vayan alcanzando la edad de jubilación", explicó el directivo.
De hecho, anunció que el grupo invertirá 3,5 millones de euros en mejoras medioambientales en la planta de Morata de Jalón (Zaragoza), a lo largo del próximo año, que se sumará a la inversión de un millón de euros ejecutada este año.
Cemex considera que esta inversión "reafirma" su compromiso con el medioambiente, y con la continuidad y permanencia de la operación en la localidad.
El director de la planta repasó los principales indicadores medioambientales de la instalación en los diez primeros meses de 2010.
Según indicó, en este periodo se alcanzó un porcentaje de sustitución de combustibles fósiles por biomasa del 27%, que prevé elevar hasta el 35% el próximo año.
Entre enero y octubre se consumieron más de 35.000 toneladas de este combustible alternativo, lo que permitió reducir las emisiones de CO2 en 43.000 toneladas; una cantidad equivalente a la que emitirían 14.100 coches durante un año.
Asimismo, la fábrica sigue realizando las preceptivas mediciones de emisiones en chimenea, que reflejan que todos los parámetros analizados se mantienen muy por debajo de los límites marcados en la Autorización Ambiental Integrada (AAI).

PORTUGAL: Cimpor integra operações de Portugal e Espanha

A Cimpor vai integrar, no curto prazo, as operações de Portugal e Espanha, agregando-as numa nova área de negócio designada Ibéria. Uma decisão que permitirá ao grupo eliminar um conjunto de custos e de recursos que se encontram duplicados. 

Nos dois mercados, a capacidade de produção de cimento da Cimpor totaliza 10,3 milhões de toneladas. 

"A integração de Portugal e Espanha numa só operação constitui um exemplo do nosso compromisso em tornar todas as nossas operações mais eficientes e com melhores resultados", afirmou ao Negócios Francisco Lacerda, presidente executivo da Cimpor, que apresentou a sua estratégia para os próximos anos .

BRASIL: Cimento é produto escasso em algumas lojas de materiais de construção de Caxias do Sul

Importante produto usado em reformas e construções, o cimento está escasso nos estoques de alguns estabelecimentos comerciais da cidade. O argumento que chega das fábricas ao varejo é de que a demanda cresceu e não há produção suficiente para atendê-la plenamente. Em razão disso, proprietários de algumas lojas caxienses deixam de contemplar novos clientes, já que mal conseguem atender as solicitações de fregueses antigos.

— Todo dia deixamos de vender e não é por causa do preço, mas por falta de produto. Desde sexta-feira, não tem um saco de cimento no nosso depósito e não sei se nesta semana vamos conseguir repor. Mesmo programações feitas com antecedência não estão sendo atendidas pelas fábricas — queixa-se Giovani Gaboardi, dono de uma loja de materiais de construção do bairro São Caetano.

No estabelecimento de Paulo Rossi, no bairro São Ciro, a clientela até está sendo atendida, só que num intervalo de tempo mais prolongado. Rossi explica que, antes, fazia o pedido pela manhã e, à tarde, já recebia o produto. Hoje, o cimento chega à sua loja uns cinco dias após a solicitação para a fábrica.

Vice-presidente do Sindicato das Indústrias da Construção Civil de Caxias do Sul (Sinduscon), Valdemor Antonio Trentin, destaca que o sindicato não recebeu queixas referentes à ausência de cimento no mercado e frisa a importância de quem atua no ramo trabalhar com pedidos previamente estabelecidos.

— Para quem trabalha com programação, não deve faltar produtos. Hoje, não temos conhecimento sobre problemas de falta de cimento. Na construção civil, é preciso agir como a indústria em relação ao aço, com pedidos feitos previamente. Se não houver essa programação, aí pode afetar o consumidor final. E, para a compra de alguns produtos, como revestimento de cerâmica, por exemplo, o consumidor também tem de se programar — orienta Trentin.

Em nota à imprensa, a Votorantim Cimentos, uma das empresas que abastece o Rio Grande do Sul, informa que suas fábricas em Pinheiro Machado (RS) e Esteio (RS) "operam a pleno vapor para abastecer o aquecido mercado local". Além disso, "está destinando mensalmente cerca de 350 mil sacos de cimento de sua fábrica em Rio Branco do Sul (PR) à região, reforçando assim seu abastecimento".

AFRICA: Le général Salou promulgue la nouvelle Constitution du Niger

e chef de la junte du Niger, le général de corps d'armée Djibo Salou, a promulgué jeudi soir à Niamey la Constitution votée le 31 octobre, souhaitant qu'elle soit le ciment de la stabilité politique du pays.

Cette promulgation survient 24 heures après la validation, par la Cour constitutionnelle, des résultats définitifs du référendum sur le projet constitutionnel adopté par 90,19 pour cent des électeurs.

Le général Salou a déclaré que cette Constitution devait être «le socle sur lequel doit s'appuyer la démocratie pour un Niger nouveau».

Il a invité la classe politique à taire ses querelles intestines et à ne privilégier que les seuls intérêts du Niger.

AFRICA: MOROCCO: Les ventes de ciment font du surplace


Sur les dix premiers mois, le marché stagne: +0,1%

· Les ventes dévissent de 3,41% en octobre

· Explication: recul des mises en chantier dans l’immobilier

Les industriels du ciment redoutent depuis quelques années déjà la surcapacité de la production. L’arrivée progressive de nouvelles cimenteries, le ralentissement de l’immobilier ou encore les fruits escomptés des mesures incitatives qui tardent à venir n’arrangent pas la situation. Seul bémol, pendant ce temps, bien que poussives, les ventes de ciment affichent un trend haussier. En 2009, près de 14,52 millions de tonnes ont été écoulées. Soit une hausse de 3,36% par rapport à 2008. De même, le cumul, à fin octobre 2010, semble inscrire durablement le marché du ciment dans cette stagnation: +0,1%. La baisse de 3,41% des ventes en octobre 2010 (comparé au même mois une année auparavant) confirme cette tendance. Les principales régions, supposées être en chantier à ciel ouvert, ont montré sur cette période des signes d’essoufflement. Marrakech enregistre la plus grosse baisse, 14%. Une conséquence de l’arrêt des chantiers touristiques dans la région. 
L’Oriental recule de 11,24%, Tanger-Tétouan 7,65% et Rabat 4%. Casablanca et Agadir sauvent la mise avec des évolutions positives de 2 et 14%, respectivement. Et le cumul des ventes, sur les dix premiers mois de l’année, stagne à 0,1% (12,49 millions de tonnes). Mais signes encourageants, l’emploi dans le secteur du BTP, en progression de 11% en 2009, comparée à 2008. Aussi, la création nette d’emploi dans le secteur est en augmentation de 5,4% au premier semestre 2010. 
Les investissements directs étrangers dans l’immobilier sont également en régression de 36%, passant de 9,15 milliards de DH en 2008 à 5,86 milliards l’année dernière. Ils se reprennent. Ils ont atteint 3 milliards de DH à fin juin 2010 contre 2,77 milliards sur la même période de 2009; soit une augmentation de 8,6%. En même temps, le montant des crédits accordés, dans le cadre du fonds de garantie aux revenus modestes (Fogarim), sont en nette progression. A fin octobre, 60.709 ménages en ont bénéficié pour près de 9 milliards de DH de prêts accordés. A fin octobre, le nombre d’accord Fogarim a augmenté de 65,61%. 
Il n’empêche que les ventes de ciment peinent à refléter ces performances. La région de Tanger-Tétouan a fait pire qu’il y a un mois, affichant un écart négatif en cumulé de 8,56%. Chez les contre-performeurs avérés, difficile de faire pire que la région de Doukkala-Abda où les ventes ont reculé de 16,35% à fin octobre, la confinant pour longtemps (si rien n’est fait) au dernier rang des régions les moins boulimiques en ciment. Cette région a du mal à se sortir de la spirale négative dans laquelle elle patauge depuis plusieurs mois. 
Le marché du ciment est-il entré de plain-pied dans la phase, tant redoutée, de la surcapacité de production? Rien n’est moins sûr.

AFRICA: KENYA: Athi River launches Foundation

NAIROBI, Athi River Mining (ARM) has launched the Rhino Cement Foundation aimed at driving the company’s corporate social investment initiative in the communities in East Africa. 

The Foundation will be funded by the company to the tune of Sh30 million per year and will focus on channelling together and strategically managing different corporate social investment functions for more impactful results specifically in areas of education, health and environment.

ARM’s Managing Director Pradeep Paunrana said the Foundation will be steered by Titus Mbathi, a long-serving auditor in Kenya’s corporate scene as its Chairman assisted by Ramesh Vohra, a member of the institute of Certified Public Secretary of Kenya. Daniel Ndonye, a respected career accountant who has held positions in various company boards.

“Athi River Mining has invested heavily in various parts of the country today, for instance by building health institutions, funding the less fortunate through their education and planting and maintaining trees. By setting up this Foundation we hope to bring together all these disparate activities together through a more structured organisation that can track how impactful these initiatives are to our communities,” said Mr Paunrana. 

In a marked departure from common funding practice for foundations, Mr Paunrana said the Rhino Cement Foundation will be financed through apportioning Athi River Mining’s profit.   

Said Mr Paunrana: “Last year, ARM spent about Shs15 million in various CSI activities in the communities around Kenya. We are building classrooms, giving annual bursaries, helping with a women’s self help organisation, raising tree seedling and planting these in the area, and so on. We are now also planning to start a vocational training college at Kaloleni.” 

Currently, CSI initiatives in the company are driven through staff teams committing their time to ensure projects are sustainable over a period of time. Teams with good knowledge of local communities are tasked with determining various needs in different areas, helping to offer help where it is needed most.

“We are encouraging our teams to look after projects they have initiated over a year or longer. They should see that our money or donation is actually being used correctly, and the benefits are recorded properly. The teams can decide on the scholarships policy, on monitoring the effectiveness of the program, on improvements, on new ideas for future projects and so on,” said Mr Paunrana.


China Shuangji Cement, Ltd. (OTC Bulletin Board: CSGJ) ("China Shuangji" or the "Company"), a leading producer of high-quality Portland cement in Shandong and Hainan Provinces in the People's Republic of China (PRC), yesterday announced its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2010. In the results, the Company reported revenue and gross profit increases as a direct result of stronger cement sales and improved product pricing.


MI Cement Factory Ltd that makes Crown brand cement will raise Tk 334 crore floating three crore ordinary shares of Tk 10 each using the book-building method.

The cut-off price for each share has been fixed at Tk 111.60, meaning an individual will have to apply with Tk 11,160 for a market lot of 100 shares.

With the funds raised, the cement maker will expand its business.

The EPS of MI Cement as of 2009 was Tk 16 and NAV per stock was Tk 15.78.

MI Cement will be the sixth cement maker in the stockmarket.

SOUTH AFRICA: Cement sales data resume after ban

The publication of cement and concrete sales statistics, which were banned by the Competition Commission when it launched an investigation into anti-competitive practices in the cement industry, are to resume.

Bryan Perrie, the managing director of the Cement & Concrete Institute (C&CI), confirmed on Wednesday that the C&CI would resume publication of the statistics. But, on instruction from the commission, only one national domestic monthly figure would be distributed.

Figures for Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland and other exports would be excluded and no further breakdown would be available.

Perrie said all producers who contributed to the statistics would, as in the past, submit their figures to a firm of independent auditors, who would then make the approved national monthly figure available to the C&CI for distribution.

The national monthly figures between last November and October this year would be distributed to the existing C&CI mailing list and be available on the C&CI website today.

“Thereafter the national monthly figure will be distributed on a monthly basis, as in the past,” he said.

Molebogeng Taunyane, a spokeswoman for the commission, confirmed on Wednesday that the commission had permitted the C&CI about a month ago to resume publication of cement and concrete sales data.

This followed the commission receiving a number of representations from third-party users, including the central bank and economists, related to this information.

But Taunyane said the C&CI must only publish the figures in an aggregated format, which meant there should only be a single figure regarding the national production of cement instead of detailed figures.

She confirmed that the commission’s probe into anti-competitive practices in the industry was “still ongoing”.

Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) admitted in November last year it had been granted conditional leniency from prosecution under the Competition Act in exchange for its disclosure of all cartel activities between PPC and its competitors.

The commission said PPC had confirmed in its application for leniency the existence of a cartel to divide markets among the four cement producers to maintain the market share that each producer held prior to 1996, when a lawful cement cartel existed and was regulated by exemptions to the competition legislation.

The agreement was implemented until 2009 through highly disaggregated sales data each producer submitted to the C&CI through an audit firm appointed by C&CI.

The commission added that there was also an agreement that PPC would not compete in northern KwaZulu-Natal in exchange for Lafarge not competing with PPC in the Botswana market.

In May this year, the commission confirmed a second of South Africa’s four major cement producers had approached it and committed to co-operate with its investigation, but declined to identify the company.

The approach by the unidentified company signalled a change of heart by either Lafarge, AfriSam or NPC-Cimpor because the initial reaction from all three firms to PPC’s disclosures was to profess their innocence and deny any anti-competitive practice.

The C&CI also denied it had ever been involved in or aware of any anti-competitive behaviour, either in its professional capacity or on behalf of any of its cement-producing members.

On Wednesday, Taunyane was unable to say when the commission’s investigation would be completed, adding that the one-year time limit for the commission to complete probes only applied to matters where the commission received a complaint and not to investigations initiated by the commission.

PARAGUAY: Gobierno reduce exigencias para facilitar la importación de cemento

El presidente de la República, Fernando Lugo, firmó el decreto Nº 5.515 que establece un procedimiento abreviado para importar cemento ante la escasez del producto y su impacto negativo en el sector de la construcción.

El documento oficial indica que de esta manera "el Gobierno busca establecer medidas temporales con el popósito de allanar los obstáculos para evitar el desabastecimiento del cemento en el territorio nacional debido de la escasez del producto en el Mercosur".

El decreto establece además la reducción de la cantidad de documentos que se requiere para certificar el producto.

En el artículo 2 se dispone que para los cementos Portland que no cuentan con la certificación del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología y Normalización (INTN) se requieran los siguientes documentos:

- Copia de certificado de calidad vigente del producto, emitido por un organismo de certificación.

- Copia del informe del control de calidad emitido por la fábrica e informe favorable de la inspección técnica emitida por el INTN.

El decreto tendrá una duración de 360 días con el objetivo de paliar la situación que soporta el sector de la construcción ante el desabastecimiento de cemento.

AFRICA: NIGERIA: Dangote Cement plans to list on London Stock Exchange

The Federal Govern-ment’s current incentives to Nigerian exporters and the friendly import policies of ECOWAS countries, make export of cement to neighbouring West African countries a viable proposition, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, President/Chief Executive, the Dangote Group, has said .

According to him “ the cement company will issue global depository receipts (GDR) to be listed on the London Stock Exchange next year. If we export from Nigeria to any of these countries, first of all we collect 30 percent export incentives. And then secondly, when we get into those countries, we are not to pay local duties. So it will benefit us quite a lot.”

Dangote, who stated this in an interview with Reuters in London on Tuesday , disclosed that the company would as from 2012 begin export of cement to some ECOWAS countries in view of its envisaged excess local capacity of more than 20 million metric tonnes and the huge demand for the product in the sub_region.

As part of its strategy of capturing the ECOWAS market, he said Dangote already has a cement plant in Ghana, noting that there are good market opportunities in other neighbouring countries such as Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote D Ívoire, which lack limestone, one of the basic raw materials used in the production of cement.

“The only thing that we need to do is quickly to create that avenue of exporting cement rather than importing cement,” he said.
Dangote, who revealed that the company is currently consolidating its cement businesses across Africa to reap the benefits of scale, added that the listing of Dangote Cement Plc on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) last month was part of this strategy. Dangote Cement, which was listed at N2.13 trillion ($14 billion), is currently the biggest quoted company in Nigeria accounting for about 30 percent of the entire capitalization of the exchange.

“And the third phase now, which we will do within the first quarter of next year, will be the other African assets which are owned by Dangote Industries that will be taken over by Dangote Cement,” he added. “This will take us to about 46 million tonnes by 2015.”

Shedding more light on the planned GDR, he said “We have actually made up our mind to do a GDR here in London. The structure is much better for us, it is a market we understand very well,”

“We have to do it in stages, where we do a GDR first, then we will list going forward on the main market. We have an internal target to list in the next year. I think we will achieve it.”

He said Morgan Stanley is one of three international investment banks that would advise on the issue.
“The two others are not announced yet They will be building books for the GDR,” he said.

COLOMBIA: Cementera Argos cerrará una de sus plantas en Barranquilla

En el 2011 solo quedarán en operación los procesos de molienda, empaque y despacho de cemento.

La empresa confirmó que a comienzos del 2011 desmontarán en Barranquilla los tres hornos donde produce clinker, materia prima del cemento, el cual se traería de otras plantas.

La noticia se había filtrado desde hace varias semanas en la ciudad y generó el rumor del cierre de una de las plantas de la cementera en Barranquilla y el despido de no menos de 120 trabajadores, lo que provocó al pronunciamiento oficial de Argos para ponerle fin a la ola de especulaciones que alcanzaron a trascender en algunos medios locales. 

La empresa informó, a través de un comunicado, que la decisión, "responde a una estrategia que busca responder los cambios en el mercado mundial del cemento y a lograr la sostenibilidad del negocio en el largo plazo". Además explicó que la materia prima con que se trabaja el clinker comenzó a agotarse.

Argos aclaró a los barranquilleros que no cerrarán sus puertas, ya que lo que se busca es sostener el negocio del cemento en el largo plazo.

La planta de Argos ubicada en la Vía 40, zona industrial de Barranquilla, con el cierre de las operaciones de clinkerización, solo quedará con tres actividades: Los procesos de molienda, empaque y despacho de cemento, con lo que asegura garantizan el abastecimiento del mercado local, y seguirán funcionando normalmente.

Sobre el despido de trabajadores se analiza el traslado del personal a otras plantas en el país.

La noticia también generó la reacción de las autoridades locales, como es el caso del gobernador Eduardo Verano, quien desestimó que la decisión de Argos obedeciera a los impuestos pendientes con la administración seccional.

Verano dijo que si bien se tienen unas dificultades con algunos impuestos, en estos momentos se está negociando y buscando punto de acuerdo con la empresa.

AFRICA: NAMIBIA: Ohorongo-Afrisam Merger Crumbles

The Namibia Competition Commission (NCC) has shot down a proposed merger between cement giant AfriSam and local producer Ohorongo, saying it is potentially anti-competitive and could distort the market at the expense of the consumer.

AfriSam Namibia and Ohorongo Cement in September filed an application that would have allowed AfriSam to sell and distribute cement produced by Ohorongo locally and in neighbouring countries.

Ohorongo plans to produce 700 000 tonnes of cement this year, of which the Namibian market only needs 320 000 tonnes. AfriSam, as the biggest cement company in Africa, has an extensive distribution network and would have been crucial in Ohorongo's export plans.

Announcing its ruling yesterday, the NCC said the proposed merger would have "a significant snowball effect of preventing or lessening competition or restrict trade or the provision of any service or endanger the continuity or supplies or services".

AfriSam and Ohorongo could lodge an appeal against the decision with Trade and Industry Minister Hage Geingob. However, NCC Chairman Lucius Murorua said that the ruling was a good decision.

"It will stand the test of time," Murorua said.

He added that the NCC doesn't take decisions "on the spur of the moment" and that plenty of expertise went into its investigations.

Neither party was available for comment yesterday. Ohorongo's board of directors were meeting on site near Otavi, while Johan Burger, AfriSam's country manager in Namibia, was at his head office in South Africa.

The local cement market currently is monopolistic with only a few suppliers, the NCC said. The market share of AfriSam Namibia is "disproportionately larger" than the other players, it continued.

"Given the larger market share of AfriSam Namibia Cement, the investigation concluded that the firm is currently a significant competitor in the market and exercise considerable dominance. The proposed merger will give rise to an increased market power which will put the merger parties in a strong market position to an extent that it would be able to determine inventory supply and pricing of cement independently from its competitors and potentially distort the monopolistic competitive situation evolving in the cement market."

With the NCC's ruling AfriSam Namibia effectively becomes Ohorongo's competitor. Any unfair pricing practices will be deal with in terms of the law, the NCC warned yesterday.

AfriSam waged a price war with Cheetah Cement in 2007, forcing the smaller local company to eventually sell below its cost price.

The NCC said it was aware of Ohorongo's "enormous potential" in terms of economic growth, job creation and foreign investment.

"Commission encourages that Ohorongo Cement continues its planned production capacity independently for Namibia to have local capacity production of its own cement," it said.

BRASIL: Millennium IB sobe avaliação da Cimpor para 7,20 euros

O Millennium investment banking (IB) reviu em alta a avaliação para as acções da Cimpor de 6,90 euros para 7,20 euros, para o final de 2011, mantendo a recomendação de "comprar".

Esta revisão surge na sequência do novo plano estratégico para 2015, apresentado ontem, revelando novos investimentos na capacidade no Brasil. 

A empresa anunciou ontem que pretende aumentar em 35% a capacidade de produção no Brasil, onde tem uma quota de mercado do cimento de aproximadamente 10%. A

Cimpor aprovou o investimento de mais 240 milhões de euros no Brasil, ao longo dos próximos três anos, com o objectivo é adicionar 2,3 milhões de toneladas em capacidade instalada de produção de cimento.

A capacidade actual da companhia no Brasil é de 8,8 milhões de toneladas, distribuídas por sete fábricas.

“Incluímos a nova capacidade no Brasil e alterámos as nossas estimativas e avaliação de 6,90 euros por acção para 7,20 euros por acção, para o final de 2011, com uma recomendação de ‘comprar’”, refere a nota de investimento assinada por João Mateus.

O banco de investimento sublinha que, com mais capacidade em curso, os volumes de vendas no Brasil poderão aumentar cerca de 75% entre 2009 e 2016, face à sua anterior previsão de um avanço de perto de 33% para o mesmo período. 

O Millennium IB relembra ainda as prioridades estratégicas da empresa até 2015: o foco nas oportunidades de crescimento nas geografias onde está presente e em novas localizações; a melhoria da eficiência e desempenho; centralização e reforço das funções corporativas chave; compromisso em manter o nível de “rating” e seguir políticas financeiras conservadoras.

A companhia liderada por Francisco Lacerda acrescentou ainda que a liquidez do grupo aumentou em mais de mil milhões de euros e que a média da maturidade da sua divida subiu cerca de dois anos para 3,4 anos, pelo que a Cimpor não terá necessidades de refinanciamento nos próximos dois anos. 

As acções da cimenteira cedem mais de 2% para os 4,622 euros, o que lhe confere um potencial de valorização de 55,8% tendo em conta a nova avaliação do Millennium IB. 

SYRIA: Tartous Company for Manufacturing Cement & Building Materials Produces 1.2 Million Tons of Cement

Damascus - Tartous Company for Manufacturing Cement & Building Materials has produced 1, 277 million tons of cement since the beginning of 2010 with a value of SYP 4.742 billion (1USD= 46 SYP) with an execution rate of 109 percent in comparison with 1.155 million tons in 2009 with a value of SYP 3.967 billion as the production increased by 11 percent.

In a report on its production and promotion plan, the Company indicated that during the first ten months of the current year its production of clinker (cement before grinding) was estimated at 1.177 million tons while the planned amount was estimated at 1.124 million tons and the Company's production of the same material last year reached 1.088 million tons with a growth rate of 8 percent.

The Company's Director Ahmad Jawhara said that the Company has achieved qualitative leaps as its production of cement last year amounted to 1.6 million tons which is equivalent to a quarter of Syria's production of cement, adding that the value of the total cement sales hit SYP 6.5 billion.

Jawhara indicated that the profits of the Company hit SYP 542 millions in 2009, expecting that several positive outcomes will be achieved in 2010 due to the measures which have been taken for improving the environmental conditions benefiting from the available potentials.

CHINA: Chinese cement output to rise as power limits ease

Bloomberg quoted China International Capital Corp said China production of steel and cement will increase next year, weighing on prices as power supplies are restored.

Mr Luo Wei an analyst with China International Capital Corp said "The capacity that has been idled because of power limits will resume operation in January and may cause a drop in prices of the building materials."

Mysteel Research Institute said provinces including Hebei, Shandong and Zhejiang restricted power to plants from September to meet energy usage targets. The cuts may trim steel supply through the end of the year by 9.6%. Local governments have yet to say when supplies will return to normal.

Mr Luo said cement prices may fall 15% in the first quarter next year from the current quarter. Cement production capacity is gradually being restored this month in Zhejiang and other eastern Chinese provinces.

CHINA: Chinese Cement Stocks Advance on Demand Outlook

Anhui Conch Cement Co. paced gains among Chinese cement makers on speculation demand for the building material will increase at the same time as energy curbs reduce production, driving up prices.

Anhui Conch, China’s biggest cement maker, advanced 5.8 percent to 24.64 yuan at the 3 p.m. close in Shanghai trading, the biggest gain since Aug. 30. Gansu Qilianshan Cement Group Co. climbed 4.1 percent to 17.28 yuan, while Tangshan Jidong Cement Co. surged 8.4 percent to 21.07 yuan in Shenzhen. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 1.3 percent.

Cement prices in eastern China have risen more than 40 percent since August as local governments limited electricity supply to manufacturers to meet energy reduction targets, Luo Guo, an analyst at Orient Securities Co., wrote in a report dated yesterday.

“Fundamentals for the cement industry are still strong as the government will step up construction of public housing in its next five-year plan,” Luo said in a telephone interview today. He has an “overweight” rating on the cement industry.

SAUDI ARABIA:High public spending boosts Saudi cement demand

A surge in capital expenditure as part of high public spending prompted by the global fiscal crisis has kept cement demand in Saudi Arabia strong, with sales swelling by over 13 per cent in the first nine months of 2010.

Forecasts by National Commercial Bank (NCB) showed cement sales in the world’s dominant oil power and largest Arab economy would surpass 36 million tonnes through 2010, driven by a construction upswing.

In a study sent to Emirates 24/7, NCB said the Gulf Kingdom’s cement sector has been driven mainly by high government spending on projects over the past year within its counter-crisis fiscal expansion policy.

“The fundamentals for the Saudi cement sector are fuelled in part through the government’s continued high expenditure on economic and social infrastructure buoyed by a young demographic structure,” said NCB, the largest Saudi bank.

“In the first nine months of 2010, total local cement sales amounted to 34.4 million tonnes, an increase of 13.3 per cent over the same period in 2009. By end of 2010, we forecast total local sales to be 36.5 million tonnes.”

According to the study, both consumption and prices of cement have been increasing since the beginning of the year, driven by the eight per cent growth in construction activity by the first half of 2010. Cement prices have swelled to nearly SR270 per tonne by September 2010, it added.

NCB’s figures showed the Saudi economy has more than doubled over the past 10 years as measured by nominal GDP.

“NCB estimates GDP by end 2010 to reach SAR1,625.8 billion, with corresponding GDP per capita of SAR62,746, a 130 per cent increase from the SAR 706.7 billion GDP in 2000,” the report said.

It noted that the government’s budget for 2010 continued to focus on capital expenditure with SR260 billion or 48 per cent of resources being allocated to infrastructure projects. “Consumption for cement, therefore, can be projected vis-à-vis aggregate expenditure on construction in the Kingdom.”

The report expected total expenditure in the construction sector, as measured by its components in the country’s gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), to reach SR188 billion in 2010, a 13.2 per cent increase from last year.

Announcing its 2010 budget just before the end of last year, Saudi Arabia said it would maintain an expansionary fiscal policy to support economic growth following a sharp slowdown caused by the 2008 crisis.

Besides record public spending, the 2010 budget also includes record investment expenditure, with an increase of more than16 per cent over the last year’s budget, which was the largest historically, and about three times the level in 2005, the first year in the current eighth development plan. 

A government statement said the budget gives emphasis to projects that ensure sustainable and balanced development as well as job creation. 

Total spending in 2010 was assumed at SR540 billion and revenue at SR470 billion, creating a deficit of SR70 billion.

Saudi Arabia, which controls over a fifth of the world’s extractable crude deposits, also plans to spend nearly $400 billion in the next five years on infrastructure and other development projects, according to official estimates.

In an earlier study, NCB said licences for new cement projects and expansions of existing units would boost total production to a record 54 million tonnes in 2010.

“While cement exports absorb nearly 10 per cent of the total cement sales, the remaining 25 per cent is met by the transient demand created by the waves of construction projects, both public and private sectors,” it said.

“Upon completion of these projects, a time we believe could be around 2015, excess capacity above the sustainable domestic demand and exports is widely feared amongst industry analysts. Thus, in the domestic market perspective, the capacity overhang looks as a real possibility that would tend to intensify competition among local cement producers and to push prices lower.”

AFRICA: ALGERIA: La cimenterie de Meftah veut augmenter sa production

La société des ciments de la Mitidja compte augmenter ses capacités de production. A cet effet, un avis d'appel d'offres national et international a été lancé pour la réalisation des études de faisabilité et d'ingénierie. Cet avis d'appel d'offres concerne, exclusivement, les bureaux d'études spécialisés dans l'industrie du ciment.

Ces derniers, a-t-on précisé, doivent se présenter au siège de l'entreprise sis à Meftah, dans la wilaya de Blida, pour retirer le cahier des charges, contre le payement d'une somme de 1000 dinars. La date limite de réception des offres, a-t-on signalé, est fixée pour le 15 janvier prochain, soit 2 mois après la première publication de l'offre.

Ainsi, cette entreprise publique s'engage concrètement dans le processus de mise à niveau qui va lui permettre de hisser son niveau de production de ciment. Un matériau de construction qui connaît une forte demande, en raison de l'envergure et du nombre des projets publics de réalisation d'infrastructures lancés, ces dernières années, un peu partout dans le pays. Citons, en ce sens et à titre indicatif, la construction de 1 million de logements, les travaux de l'autoroute Est-ouest qui se poursuivent toujours et le programme de réalisation de 16 barrages dans les différentes wilayas du pays. La forte demande sur le ciment a fait en sorte que le marché de ce matériau de construction connaisse une véritable crise qui a atteint son pic au cours de l'année 2009. Pour y remédier, les pouvoirs publics ont prévu un investissement de 141 milliards de dinars pour un objectif de 20 millions de tonnes de ciment et 7 millions de tonnes de granulats. Le groupe Gica a signé, récemment, des conventions de financement à des conditions avantageuses avec le Fonds national de l'investissement (FNI) et la Banque extérieure d'Algérie. 

Dans le même contexte, un autre projet de développement, piloté par le groupe des ciments de l'Est (ERCE GIC), avait prévu un investissement total de 780 millions de dollars, pour augmenter de 6 millions de tonnes supplémentaires par an les capacités de production de 3 grandes cimenteries publiques la Société des ciments de Chlef ECDE, Aïn El Kébira (Sétif), et enfin la Société des ciments de Béni Saf. Dans ce cadre, la Société des ciments de Béni Saf (filiale du groupe ERCO) a procédé à l'ouverture du capital social, dans une première phase, de 10% au profit du groupe Pharaon (Arabie saoudite). La Société des ciments de Zahana du même groupe a vu aussi l'ouverture de son capital à hauteur de 35% pour le compte de la société Asec (Egypte). Pour sa part, la société italienne Buzzu Unucem a contribué à hauteur de 35% dans la Société des ciments de Hadjar (filiale du groupe ERCE) et dans celle des ciments de Sour El Ghozlane avec le même taux.

Le groupe ERCE est, également, en phase de sélection d'un partenaire étranger pour la construction "clés en main" d'une nouvelle ligne de production d'une capacité de 6000 tonnes par jour, soit 2,2 millions de tonnes par an. Il est attendu que ces extensions portent la production de ciment à hauteur de 18 millions de tonnes annuellement, à partir de 2012. Une production plus que suffisante pour les besoins du pays, estiment les initiateurs de ce projet qui parlent de la possibilité d'exporter une partie de cette production. En attendant, le sac de ciment de 50 kilos, cédé à 230 dinars à la sortie des usines publiques est vendu à plus de 700 dinars pour les autoconstructeurs. 

Une situation générée par la prolifération des pratiques spéculatives qui ont amené les responsables en charge du secteur à importer un million de tonnes de ciment, au cours de l'année dernière.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

ARGENTINA: Cimenteira Loma Negra eleva investimento em US$ 50 milhões

SÃO PAULO - A cimenteira argentina Loma Negra - controlada pelo grupo Camargo Corrêa - aumentou em US$ 50 milhões o programa de investimentos no país.

O montante inclui US$ 14 milhões em aportes da empresa de transporte ferroviário Ferrosur Roca, que participa do escoamento da produção de cimento.

Os novos investimentos abrangem o aumento na capacidade de transporte entre as fábricas das cidades de Olavarría e de Cañuelas, onde também será incrementada a capacidade de estoque.

A empresa já havia anunciado o investimento de US$ 28 milhões em um novo moinho em Olavarría, no sentido de aumentar em 1 milhão de toneladas a capacidade de produção de cimento a partir de agosto de 2011. Os investimentos adicionais de US$ 50 milhões completam esse projeto.

A Loma Negra tem nove unidades de produção na Argentina, sendo seis delas na província de Buenos Aires, onde estão as cidades de Olavarría e Cañuelas.

INDIA: India Cements report September quarter loss

India Cements swung to loss for the quarter ended September 2010. During the quarter, the company reported loss of INR 336.30 million compared with a profit of INR 1,369.40 million in the same quarter previous year.

The company’s net sales for the quarter declined 14.99% to INR 8,412 million, while total income for the quarter fell 14.92% to INR 8,417.90 million, when compared with the prior year period.

INDIA: India Cement@ Growth

In the past couple of my write ups I have tried to bring you the potential growth momentum invisibly present in the Indian sectors. I hope I was able to give all investors from corporate finance to individual retail investors a probable idea on their investments plans.

As we all know that Indian infrastructure is poised for huge growth in the coming decade particularly with the 12th –Five year Plan, where investments in this sector will bring the growth not only for Indian economy but also for the global economy too. With infrastructure we bring growth of and demand of steel and cement. These two are the prime inputs of infrastructure. In other words these two sectors are the eyes of Infrastructure. Demand of cement will be increasing in the coming quarters. Infrastructure is not only the reason behind demand but also Real Estate will be another momentum builder for cement.Without making any further analysis of finding out from where the growth of the Indian cement industry will come we will try to hit the "BULL's EYE"

2011@unlimited Growth
In 2011 we find a golden era for the Indian cement sector. Those speculators who are speculating that the industry is facing excess supply and low demand are just betting on the short term outlook and now enabling to foresee the long term huge potential of growth waiting outside the door.
New Investments
  • Cement and gypsum products have received cumulative foreign direct investment (FDI) of US$ 1708.69 million between April 2000 and March 2010, according to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion.
  • Madras Cements Ltd is planning to invest US$ 178.4 million to increase the manufacturing capacity of its Ariyalur plant in Tamil Nadu to 4.5 MT from 2 MT by April 2011.
  • Surya Group plans to invest US$ 873.3 million in a new 5 million MT cement plan to be set up in Gujarat.
  • My Home Industries Limited (MHI), a 50:50 joint venture (JV) between the Hyderabad-based My Home Group and Ireland's building material major CRH Plc, plans to scale up its cement production capacity from the existing 5 million tonne per annum (mtpa) to 15 mtpa by 2016. The company would undertake this capacity expansion at a cost of US$ 1 billion.
  • Shree Cement, plans to invest US$ 97.13 million this year to set up a 1.5 million MT clinker and grinding unit in Rajasthan. Moreover, in June 2010,
  • Shree Cement signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Karnataka government to invest US$ 423.6 million for setting up a cement unit and a power plant. US$ 317.7 million will be used to set up a cement manufacturing unit with an annual capacity of 3 mtpa while the balance will be for the 100 mega watt power plant.
  • Jaiprakash Associates plans to invest US$ 640 million to increase its cement capacity.
  • Swiss cement company Holcim plans to invest US$ 1 billion in setting up 2-3 greenfield manufacturing plants in the country in the next five years to serve the rising domestic demand.

INDIA: Buy HeidelbergCement India; target of Rs 66: LKP Shares

LKP Shares is bullish on HeidelbergCement India and has recommended buy rating on the stock with a target of Rs 66 in its November 19, 2010 research report.

“HeidelbergCement acquired controlling stake in a loss making sick unit Mysore Cement in 2006 form Birla’s, post that in 2008 it merged Indorama Cement with Mysore Cement. HeidelbergCement Group improved the productivity of the merged entity and wrote off all business losses on the books. Today Heidelberg has a robust unleveraged balance sheet, which we believe augurs well for its future expansion plans. Its entire expansion is based in the Damoh & Jhansi region of Central India. All its expansions are scheduled to be completed by March 2012, however we have assumed a delay of 3 months. The company has sketched out Rs 11-12 billion capex plan to be funded through debt and internal accruals. We believe the company would raise debt upto Rs 4.5-5.5 billion for the same sometime during the second halfnext year.”

“Its entire expansion is also based in Central India, aiming to improve its share & position in the most promising cement zone. Cement demand in the Central India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12% for the period 2008 to 2012E and cement capacities is expected to increase at a CAGR of 11 %, thereby continuing to give cement demand an edge over cement supply in the central region. Prices in this region has also more or less been stable between Rs 150- 180 per 50kg bag for the past few months, we expect cement prices in the central region to remain stable here on with an upward bias.”

“HeidelbergCement gets most of it revenues from stable Central India where the operating rates are still as high as 85-90%. With the recent cement price hike, we maintain our optimistic stance on the cement sector and initiate coverage on HeidelbergCement. The stock is attractively valued at EV/TON USD 49 on its expanded capacity for CY12E. The stock is trading at an EV/EBITDA of 10.6x its CY12E earnings. We recommend BUYING this stock with an 18 months price target of Rs 66. At our price target the stock would trade at EV/TON of USD 65 on its CY12E expanded capacity, which is still at a discount to the replacement cost of USD 120-125 million per ton,” says LKP Shares research report.

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INDIA: See significant pickup in prices from 2012: Heidelberg Cem

Central India focussed cement player, Heidelberg Cement has plans to double its capacity from 3.4 million tonne to 6.3 million tonne by 2012. It is looking at expanding its capacity in Damoh and Jhansi. The company expects to complete its expansion by March 2012.
Heidelberg sells 72% of its volumes to Central India. Cement demand in central India is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 12% for the 2008-2012 period. Capacities are expected to increase at a CAGR of 11%.
Some analysts looking at the sector reckon foreign companies are showing interest in some of the smaller cement companies in India. Industry analysts are however concerned about high valuations.
In an interview with CNBC-TV18, Ashish Guha, MD, Heidelberg Cements spoke on the company's expansion plans and gave an outlook on business.
Below is a verbatim transcript. Also watch the accompanying video.
Q: If you can first take us through your capital expansion plans. We understand that there is a plan to go from 3.4 million tonne to 6.3 million tonne. What is the timetable for this? Do you have all the money needed?
A: The timetable is that we expect to start commercial production in the first quarter of 2012. We have internal accruals. We still have money in our accounts. So we are using that first and we are tying up for our debt programme for which we are in discussion with banks. It's more or less all tied up and we are going ahead with the project at full speed.
Q: Just getting back to your capex plans then. What is the investment in terms of funds for this capex expansion and how exactly are you going to be raising these funds if you require it unless it’s from internal accruals?
A: The project cost is about Rs 1200 crore, of which about Rs 600 crore is what we have through internal accruals. The balance amount, we will be signing up loan agreements with banks in the next few months.
Q: What's the capacity utilization at this point in time?
A: In south we are at about 60%, in central India we are at between 85% and 90% and in the west we are about 75%.
Q: And where is the new unit coming up?
A: It's coming up in central India, in MP and UP.
Q: This pressure in the south, do you see ebbing at all because it does look like a lack of demand kind of pressure?
A: It’s all over. Actually, for the time being south is better held in terms of prices than in central India or other parts of the country, north and east. Some amount of pressure is there and it will be there for some time till demand picks up.
We had expected the demand to be about 10%. It’s currently at about 8.2%. So the incremental demand pickup should be able to absorb on the pricing pressure that we are seeing currently.
Q: Can you then just highlight the amount of prices you are working with in the central region because there are analyst reports indicating ranges between Rs 150 to Rs 180 per 50 kilogram bag and there is an upward bias expected also on it?
A: In central India, the price range is about Rs 200 to Rs 225 per bag. That’s the range and I don’t think Rs 150 to Rs 180 is anywhere near.
There is an upward bias provided demand picks up. We are not seeing that kind of demand pickup which we had expected after September. In October and November the first half was all of festivities and we thought from middle of November it should pick up. We haven’t seen such pick up as yet. So maybe it's a pickup which is coming later this year. If that happens the prices are obviously northwards bound.
Q: When do you expect this lack of demand pressure to ebb away? Since you are going ahead with a capacity expansion do you think that perhaps by the time you come to calendar 2011 you would be in a better position or would it take up until fiscal FY12 for the mismatch between supply and demand to correct?
A: Currently the capacity utilization if you see overall, all India is about 80% plus – minus 1% or 2%. This should continue if demand is growing by 10%, this should edge up a little next year. In 2012 this should move towards 83% to 85% kind of range. That shows some price pickup kind of range from 2012 onwards.
Going forward, from 2014 there should be a demand and supply match. If that happens the capacity utilization is about 90%, which means the prices should be northward bound. So from 2012 onwards there should be significant pickup in prices. That’s what our expectations are.
Q: There is some buzz that CEMEX is interested in acquiring an Indian unit. Cement has always been an interesting place for M&A’s and Heidelberg itself entered the space through such a route. Are you still on the look out for anything that you may pick up? Is there something in terms of a short list or something that we can expect shortly from your company?
A: We are in talks with various players who are in the play right now. But there is a mismatch in terms of valuation expectations and what we want to pay as fair value. So I don’t know how long it will take but we are definitely focused on acquisitions in India. You will surely get some news in the coming year if not months.