Friday, April 20, 2012

ITALIA: Mapei desarrolla aditivos que minimizan el impacto ambiental

Mapei, el mayor productor mundial de adhesivos, selladores y productos químicos para la construcción, avanza en la elaboración de alternativas sostenibles para la optimización del cemento con adiciones.

La reducción de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono asociadas a la descarbonatación de la caliza y el uso de combustibles fósiles es probablemente el reto más ambicioso que la industria del cemento afrontará en los próximos años y, en este reto, la producción de cementos con adiciones, con bajo contenido en clínker juega un papel fundamental. Así lo explican en un informe técnico Matteo Magistri y Pietro Recchi, de la División Aditivos de Molienda, Mapei SpA.

“El clínker Portland, componente principal del cemento, es un material hidráulico formado por silicatos de calcio y de minerales que contienen calcio, aluminio y hierro. Por cada tonelada de clínker producido se liberan a la atmósfera alrededor de 900 kg de dióxido de carbono y se ha estimado que, a nivel mundial, la industria del cemento contribuye con un 5% en el total de CO2 antropogénico”, indica el mencionado estudio.

El uso de aditivos para cemento permite reducir el gasto en energía relacionado con la producción de cemento y minimiza el uso del clínker (compensando la pérdida de resistencias mecánicas), sin perder las altas prestaciones que los cementos deben tener. Así, el uso de estos componentes secundarios es una manera sencilla y directa de proteger el medio ambiente.

Mapei ha desarrollado en sus laboratorios algunas alternativas de uso de los aditivos de molienda en la optimización de los cementos con adiciones:

• Cementos con escoria de alto horno: El uso de escoria de alto horno (un residuo de la producción del acero) como material agregado en la producción del cemento es muy común. Los resultados muestran que la adición de MA.P.E/S511 permite reducir la pérdida de resistencias mecánicas, a fin de permitir el aumento del porcentaje de escoria del 14 al 26% (y así una reducción igual del contenido de clínker) sin pérdidas apreciables de las resistencias mecánicas.

• Cemento mixto caliza/cenizas: Las cenizas volantes son el residuo de la combustión del carbón utilizado en las centrales eléctricas como fuente de energía. Contienen silicio, calcio, aluminio y pueden tener propiedades hidráulicas que las hacen adecuadas para ser utilizados en la producción de cementos, de una manera similar a la escoria de alto horno. El uso de MA.P.E/S828 puede conllevar una reducción del 10% del contenido de clinker, sin comprometer las resistencias mecánicas. Teniendo en cuenta la producción de una fábrica de cemento de tamaño medio (un millón de toneladas anuales de cemento), corresponde a 100.000 toneladas de clínker ahorrado al año y por tanto, una reducción de las emisiones equivalente a 90.000 toneladas anuales de CO2.

Como resultado de su informe, los profesionales de Mapei concluyen que “el uso de aditivos permite producir cementos de bajo contenido en clínker, reduciendo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y manteniendo inalteradas las prestaciones finales del cemento”.

FRANCE: Lafarge's Mykolaivcement invests 2.2 million euros into new production line

Public joint-stock company Mykolaivcement (Lviv region), which belongs to France's Lafarge Group, has invested EUR 2.2 million in the launch of a new cement pallet line that can cover cement packages of 25 and 50 kilograms on a pallet with a protective polyethlene film, reads a company press release. 

The press release says that now cement will be put on pallets and covered with polyethylene film before loading onto trucks or rail cars.

"Cement pallets facilitate its transportation and storage at the warehouses of clients. The technology allows the boosting of warehouse stocks, as pallets guarantee [the protection of] our products even in the worst weather," the press service said, citing Mykolaivcement Director General, Guenther Smetana.

Smetana also said that thanks to the launch of the new line, the loading of cement packages was fully automated.

As reported, Mykolaivcement in 2011 cut its net loss by 3.1 times from 2010, to UAH 10.868 million.

Its undistributed profit in 2011 came to UAH 260.227 million, a 4% fall over 2010. Assets totaled UAH 674.445 million, a 6.7% increase year-over-year.

By late 2011, a total of 542 people worked at the plant, while as of late 2010 the workforce numbered 564 people.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering up to EUR 210 million in financing for Lafarge Ukraine Holding, which has a 99.6% stake in Mykolaivcement, to build a new dry line cement plant in Ukraine.

The project's total value is approximately EUR 300 million. The EBRD's loan could be syndicated with other banks and other investors in the capital will provide further financing.

Mykolaivcement's existing plant has been operating since 1950. The facility produces cement using a long-kiln wet line process in which limestone and additive slurry from existing quarries are heated in kilns to form clinker, which is then ground with other additives to form cement. The company has four rotary kilns, with an output of 0.85 Mt of cement in 2010. The decision to shutdown the plant is linked to an inefficient production method, which is not friendly to the environment.

As of Q3, 2011, Lafarge Ukraine Holding held a 99.2646% stake in Mykolaivcement.

Lafarge Group is a world leader in construction material production, in particular, cement, gravel, concrete and stucco. The group entered the Ukrainian construction materials market in 1999.

Apart from Mykolaivcement, Lafarge Group owns two quarries in Ukraine and Lafarge Gips, a plasterboard producer.

ESPAÑA: Italcementi inaugura su Centro de Investigación e Innovación i.lab

Italcementi Group ha inaugurado en Bérgamo (Italia) su Centro de Investigación e Innovación, un referente europeo en materia de desarrollo e innovación en el sector de materiales de construcción, que se integra con los principios de sostenibilidad y reputación del Grupo. Más conocido como i.lab, este original edificio –diseñado por el arquitecto estadounidense Richard Meier, premio Pritzker en 1984– alberga el laboratorio de I+D+i de Itacementi, presente en España bajo el nombre de FYM-Italcementi Group.

La inauguración de este singular edificio ha sido presidida por Corrado Clini, Ministro italiano de Medio Ambiente, así como por Giampiero Pesenti y Carlo Pesenti, Presidente y CEO respectivamente de Italcementi Group. Igualmente, Mario Bracci, Consejero Delegado de FYM-Italcementi Group también ha tenido una presencia destacada en la ceremonia.

En el i.lab un equipo formado por 170 profesionales –químicos, geólogos, ingenieros…–desarrollará las soluciones más innovadoras del sector de materiales de construcción. Este emblemático edificio de 23.000 metros cuadrados constituye un referente de la arquitectura contemporánea, tanto por los materiales utilizados –cemento transparente o gama de soluciones autolimpiantes y descontaminantes– como por los principios de sostenibilidad, integrándose en los valores sostenibles de Italcementi Group.

Para Carlo Pesenti, CEO de Italcementi Group, “desde nuestros orígenes hace más de 140 años, la compañía siempre ha destacado por su innovación, centrada en desarrollar procesos de producción más eficaces y sostenibles que cubran las necesidades de nuestros clientes y mejoren la calidad de vida de la comunidad. El centro i.lab es el fruto de este esfuerzo, que nos ha convertido en un referente indiscutible del sector de materiales de construcción”.

“La apuesta de las empresas por la sostenibilidad está determinado la consolidación de una economía verde, en el que los productos innovadores y respetuosos con el medio ambiente conforman un mercado emergente cada vez más importante. Ésta es la razón” agregó Corrado Clini, Ministro italiano de Medio Ambiente “por la que el Gobierno Italiano está apoyando iniciativas como las de Italcementi, que confirman cómo el mundo empresarial apuesta de manera activa por la investigación y la innovación”.

Por su parte, Mario Bracci, Consejero Delegado de FYM-Italcementi Group, destacó que el grupo “es líder en el desarrollo y lanzamiento de nuevos materiales de construcción, destinando casi un 8% de la facturación a la inversión en I+D+i. Gracias al espíritu innovador del i.lab, los arquitectos y constructores españoles podrán incrementar aún más el valor de sus proyectos mediante la aplicación de soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles. La Iglesia de Loiola en San Sebastián, que incorpora el principio autolimpiante y descontaminante Tx Active® en su fachada; el Parque de la Isla en Burgos, que integra el conglomerante de altas prestaciones para suelos Stabex®; o el aeropuerto de Barcelona T1 que ha utilizado el Percocem® para reforzar el aglomerante asfáltico son sólo algunos ejemplos”.

Entre las investigaciones y desarrollos innovadores que centralizará el i.lab se encuentra el diseño de productos –como clinker, cementos o aditivos– a partir de materias primas renovables y reutilizables, además de aplicar la nano y biotecnologías al sector de materiales de construcción. Asimismo, este laboratorio de Italcementi Group continuará desarrollando soluciones técnicas que reduzcan el CO2 en la atmósfera de las ciudades, uno de los principales compromisos sostenibles de la compañía que se refleja en su oferta integral TX Active®.Igualmente, el equipo del i.lab seguirá mejorando otras soluciones constructivas de Italcementi no convencionales como el i.light, hormigones especiales o morteros.

Además, el concepto innovador de este laboratorio va más allá de centralizar los productos y desarrollos más revolucionarios de Italcementi Group, ya que está concebido para promueva una gran comunidad internacional de arquitectos, ingenieros y diseñadores que gire en torno a una cultura de construcción ambiental y respetuosa con la sociedad.

Baluarte del diseño sostenible en Europa

El edificio i.lab, creado por el arquitecto Richard Meier, se alza como una referencia para el diseño sostenible en Europa –alineándose con los principios de sostenibilidad del Grupo– gracias a sus características de eficiencia energética y sus sistemas de ahorro, que le permiten disminuir hasta un 60% el consumo de energía en comparación con un edificio tradicional del mismo tamaño. Esto ha sido posible gracias a la utilización de materiales innovadores, la integración de paneles fotovoltaicos-solares y la implementación de un sistema de energía geotérmica.

Además, el edificio ha sido diseñado y construido para cumplir con las pautas de la certificación LEED, el sistema de calificación ambiental más riguroso a nivel mundial, obteniendo la categoría Platino, la máxima del sistema.

La innovación y diseño de este edificio ha sido distinguido con diversos premios. En 2010, la Comisión Europea reconoció al i.lab con el Premio European Green Building Award en la categoría "Mejor Nuevo Edificio", y, un año antes, el Chicago Athenaeum y Centro Europeo de Diseño y Estudios Urbanos otorgaron el Green Good Design Award al edificio.

SAUDI ARABIA: Cement sales hit new record

Cement sales in March 2012 grew by 12.6 percent to reach 4.9 million tons, a record high for monthly sales, based on a new report issued by NCB Capital on Wednesday.

According to the report, clinker production grew by 10 percent to reach 4.0 million tons, another record. However, clinker stocks declined sharply by 44.4 percent to reach 5.02 million tons, the lowest level since August 2008.

“Domestic cement sales rose 12.6 percent year to year and 10.2 percent month to month to 4.89 million tons in Mar-12. Local clinker sales rose to 135,000 tons against 10,000 tons in February 2012,” the report said.

On the other hand, “cement exports dropped 64.5 percent year to year and 17.7 percent month to month to 65,000 tons in March 2012,” the report added.

Cement production increased 12.6 percent year to year to 5.10 million tons in March 2012. Clinker production also increased by 10.0 percent year to year to 4.02 million tons.

The domestic cement market share of the unlisted companies decreased by 1.00 percent month to month to 18.4 percent; market share including exports and clinker sales also decreased by 1.30 percent month to month to 17.7 percent.

The Kingdom has 13 cement companies with an estimated annual cement production capacity of 52 million tons. In March 2012, total cement sales in the Kingdom stood at 4.89 million tons versus 4.35 million tons in March 2011 and 4.44 million tons in February 2012.

Domestic clinker sales came to 135,000 tons in March 2012 against no sales in March 2011; it surged to135,000 tons in March 2012 from 10,000 tons in February 2012. In March 2012, cement exports stood at 65,000 tons from 79,000 tons in February 2012, a drop of 17.7 percent month to month. No company reported clinker exports for March 2012. Two companies, Saudi Cement and Eastern Cement, exported cement during the month.

In March 2012, domestic sales of cement grew by 12.6 percent year to year to 4.89 million tons. The four private companies saw a 3.8 percent year to year increase in domestic cement sales, while the listed firms reported an increase of 14.7 percent year to year.

On a month-to-month basis, domestic cement sales increased by 10.2 percent compared to the 4.44 million tons in February 2012. Apart from Aljouf Cement, all companies reported an increase on a month-to-month basis. Among the listed companies, Yanbu Cement reported the highest month-to-month increase of 68.6 percent, followed by Tabuk Cement and Arabian Cement with 31.0 percent and 13.6 percent growth respectively.

On a year-to-year basis, Northern Cement reported the highest increase of 121.7 percent, followed by Saudi Cement and Yanbu Cement with 41.5 percent and 25.5 percent increase respectively. Najran Cement, Aljouf Cement, Qassim Cement and Tabuk Cement reported a year to year decline of 21.3 percent, 6.0 percent, 5.1 percent and 1.3 percent respectively in domestic sales.

The Kingdom’s cement exports decreased 17.7 percent month to month to 65,000 tons in March 2012. On a year-to-year basis it decreased 64.5 percent from 183,000 tons in March 2011 due to the export ban which only excludes sales to Bahrain. The year-to-year decrease was due to lower exports Saudi Cement which fell 32.9 percent. None of the companies reported exports in clinker for March 2012.

In March 2012, Saudi Cement and Eastern Province Cement exported cement. Total exports decreased 72.6 percent year to year. Saudi Cement reported the highest decline at 32.9 percent, while Eastern Cement’s exports increased by 16.7 percent on year-to-year basis.

Exports decreased by 17.7 percent on month-to-month basis. Only Eastern Cement reported an increase of 16.7 percent, Eastern Cement reported a decline in exports by 10.9 percent.

Saudi Arabia produced 5.10 million tons of cement in March 2012, up 12.6 percent year-to-year and 16.7 percent month-to-month basis respectively. On a year-to-year basis, among listed players, Saudi Cement reported the highest increase of 41.1 percent followed by Yanbu Cement, Arabian Cement and Yamamah Cement with 33.6 percent 27.7 percent and 24.6 percent increase respectively.

On a month-to-month basis, apart from Aljouf Cement which reported a decrease of 23.1 percent, all cement companies reported an increase in production, with Yanbu Cement reporting the highest increase of 87.6 percent. City Cement did not report an increase in production on month-to-month basis.

Clinker production was up 10.0 percent year-to-year and 22.3 percent month-to-month in March 2012. Among listed players, Southern Cement reported the highest increase in production of 44.8 percent year to year. On a month-to-month basis, Yanbu Cement reported the highest increase at 61.3 percent, followed by Yamamah Cement at 58.3 percent.

Clinker stock at the manufacturer level decreased 19.7 percent month-to-month and 44.4 percent year-to-year to 5.02 million tons. Cement stock increased 26.0 percent month-to-month and 11.6 percent year-to-year during March 2012.

Clinker stock as a percentage of monthly sales decreased to 101 percent in March 2012 compared to 138 percent in February 2012 and 199 percent in March 2011. Company-wise, Qassim Cement held the lowest stock percentage at 27 percent of March 2012 sales. On the other hand, among the listed companies (excluding Al-Jouf), Tabuk Cement held the highest clinker stock percentage at 216 percent of March 2012 sales.

AFRICA: TANZANIA: Tanga Cement: full-year 2011 down on rising production costs

Tanzanian cement producer, Tanga Cement, reported a 32 per cent drop in 2011 net profit due to the depreciation of the local currency, erratic power supply and rising costs of imported clinker.

The company, part of South Africa’s AfriSam group, said net profit fell to TZS21.93bn (US$13.9m) last year from TZS32.2bn the year before despite positioning itself well to meet rising cement demand, according to reports in All Africa News. 

Tanga Cement acting chairman, Prof. Samuel Wangwe, said growth in sales revenue was offset by a sharp increase in the cost of sales compared to 2010.

"This was largely due to a major refurbishment of the plant, resulting in a higher than normal proportion of imported clinker being used in the manufacturing process during the first quarter of the year," Prof. Wangwe said. He added: "This was further aggravated by a substantial increase in energy costs and by difficulties encountered due to the unreliable supply of electricity."

Prof. Samuel Wangwe also noted that the depreciation of the Tanzanian shilling also impacted negatively on the financial performance as a significiant proportion of costs were incurred in foreign currencies. 

Revenue grew to TZS161.44bn during the year under review compared to TZS149.2bn. "Although slightly lower than the growth achieved in previous years, sales volumes and revenues increased in line with market demand," Prof Wangwe commented.

AFRICA: KENYA: Kenya's main port sees 2012 cargo traffic up 5.3%

The Kenya Port Authority (KPA) expects cargo traffic via Mombasa port, a gateway into east Africa's landlocked countries, to rise by 5.3% this year thanks to strong economic growth in the region.

The port, which is the biggest in east Africa, handles good for Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia, as well as Kenya, and is watched as a key economic indicator for the region.

Gichiri Ndua, KPA managing director told Reuters east African economies were growing by about 5% resulting in high consumption levels due to increased disposable incomes.

"We are likely to do 21-million tons this year ... the economic performance of the entire region is a major player of what is going on at the port," Ndua said in an interview.

"The level of importation also has a lot to do with the consumption patterns which is tied to rising incomes."

Last year, the port saw a 5.4% surge in traffic to 19.95-million tons, while containerised cargo is expected to shoot up to 840 000 TUEs, (20 foot equivalent) this year, from 771 000 TEUs in 2011.

Newly independent South Sudan was one of the key drivers of growth in 2011, after its traffic grew by 87% to 417 033 t and Ndua expects the upward trend to continue as the country rebuilds from scratch.

"Because of where they (South Sudan) are coming from, you would expect them to progressively move up ... because there is so much they need to do," he said.

South Sudan mainly imports pharmaceutical products, motor vehicles, and cargo for infrastructure development such as machinery, Ndua said.


Analysts say the construction of a second port, Lamu, which began in March is expected to serve oil-rich South Sudan better, as well as Ethiopia, the continent's biggest coffee producer, due to a shorter linkage connection to Horn of Africa nations.

Ndua said high interest rates in Kenya had dampened investment of major capital intensive projects such as housing, with such money diverted to consumption.

Commercial banks have raised their interest rates to about 25 percent from 15 percent since October, increasing the cost of borrowing, subduing levels of imported goods, which account for about 85 percent of Mombasa port's traffic

Ndua said as borrowing costs went up, people tended to favour consumption over investment.

"In (those) circumstances, you may avoid to build houses but you buy those other consumer durables that are easy to buy such as motor vehicles," he said.

Ndua said imported motor vehicles had been on an upward trend as well as clinker and coal for infrastructure development and grains such as wheat.

Congestion, a frequent challenge for the Mombasa port due to poor off take of imported cargo, was expected to ease.

"We are at advanced stages of developing berth number 19 and it is accompanied by a storage area of about 15 acres that can handle 160 000-200 000 TUEs annually. We expect it to be done by end of this year ," he said.

AFRICA: NIGERIA: Should cement importation continue?

Manufacturers of cement in the country including Dangote Cement claim their products exceed local demand and as such there is no need for importation. But experts have faulted this claim, writes Okwy Iroegbu-Chikezie.

The argument for and against the continued importation of cement have continued even as stakeholders await government’s decision on it. While the local cement manufacturers claim they have met the local demand and even exceeded the bar, experts insist the claim should be verified before a ban on importation.

The Federal Government during the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo came out with a policy on backward integration in cement production. The process started when 15 companies were issued import licences and given incentives. They were also asked to, within a given period, build their own local plants. 

But, unfortunately, not many of the companies were interested nor had the capacity to embark on local production of cement as they have since resorted to uncontrolled importation.  Currently, only three companies (Lafarge WAPCO, Dangote Cement and Bua Cement) have taken up the challenge to locally produce cement and they claim to meet local production.

 Dangote said his organisation has taken up the challenge to lead the way in the quest to make the nation self-reliant in cement production, regretting the nation is losing huge sums in foreign exchange to importation. He said: " As an organisation, our desire is to ensure our country not only moves away from export of certain commodities, of which cement is one, but to strengthen the local production capacity to make her  an exporting nation while increasing the nation’s foreign reserve.

 Dangote, who spoke through the Deputy Director, Operations, Ibese Cement Industry, Mr Vijay Khanna, said the Dangote Group combined capacity, which is in excess of 20 million metric tonnes has exceeded the national demand, which range between 19 and 20 million metric tonnes yearly.

He said: "Last year, the national demand was 17.5 metric tonnes and this year it hovers between 19 and 20 metric tonnes. As an organisation, the total capacity available with us is enough to take care of the cement need of the country not including the combined capacity of all the cement manufacturing industries in the country". 

On fears entertained in certain quarters that the plant may have run into some technical hitch and not produce to anticipated capacity, Khanna said nothing can be far from the truth as the cement plant is barely two months old and operating above 95 per cent. He further explained that the plant has 12 machines with each producing 28,800 bags and 10 bulk trucks per day.  He reiterated his earlier position suggesting that the government ban future importation of cement to conserve scarce resources, sustain the local industries and create jobs for the teeming population. On challenges faced by the company, he saidit is electricity as huge sums of money is spent on generating electricity round the clock for the cement plant.

But, the National Publicity Secretary of Nigeria Institute of Building (NIOB), Mr. KunleAwobodu advised the government to ascertain the readiness of local manufacturers to satisfy local demand in concrete terms before stopping importation.

He said: "Government should investigate thoroughly the claims of local manufacturers to satisfy local demand before accepting to stop importation. The capacity to continuously supply cement to the market and not at intermittent stages should be verified in the interest of the public".

Awobodu said if indeed local manufacturers have attained 20 million metric tonnes in combined capacity against the national annual demand of 18 million metric tonnes. The price should have naturally come down.

He canvassed that the nation should not be in a hurry to stop importation until there is stable supply of the product. His words: "It is a great irony that despite the claims of local capacity utilisation in the manufacture of cement, the price of cement has not come down. Currently, there is nothing to be proud of in the sector. The government should be careful not to jump into hasty decision; they should give sufficient time to prove the production ability of the local production. It is difficult to judge or evaluate sufficiently the production capacity during the rainy season because naturally demand is low ".

According to him, operators in the sector believe that the reason for the high cost is as a result of the scarcity of the product and are of the opinion that pricing should be a determinant factor in measuring availability and by extension influence a change in policy.

While commending govern-ment’s backward integration policy, he called for caution before discontinuing with the policy.

Vice-President, Association of Town Planners Consultants of Nigeria (ATOPCON), Mr Moses Ogunleye said the veracity of Dangote’s claim should be ascertained and if found to be true the government will have no option but to stop the importation of cement into the country to conserve scarce resources.

He said: "Currently there is, however, no evidence of capacity utilsation as the price of the product is still high at N1, 800- N2,000 depending on the location. l believe that pricing is a function of availability, it is ironical that imported cement are cheaper than the ones produced locally."

PAKISTAN: Pakistan’s D.G. Khan Swings to Profit on Higher Cement Prices

Pakistan’s second-biggest producer, swung to a third-quarter profit after prices of the building material increased.

Net income in the three months ended March 31 was 754.6 million rupees ($8.3 million), compared with a loss of 5.32 million rupees in the same period a year ago, according to a statement to the Karachi Stock Exchange. Sales rose 21 percent to 6.23 billion rupees.

“The price increase turned it around, despite volumetric decline in sales,” said Muhammad Rehan Khan, research analyst at First Capital Equities Ltd. in Karachi, who rates the stock a hold. “The company’s financial cost also eased with a decline in payments and interest rates.”

D.G. Khan’s interest costs declined 17 percent to 462.7 million rupees in the period. Pakistan’s central bank cut rates by 2 percentage points last year to support .

Cement prices increased 21 percent to 425 rupees for a 50 kilogram (110 pound) bag during the quarter, compared with 350 rupees a year ago, according to First Capital Equities Ltd.

D.G. Khan’s shares rose 2.7 percent to 40.60 rupees as of 1:01 p.m. on the Karachi Stock Exchange. The stock has doubled this year, compared with a 24 percent gain in the benchmark KSE100 index.

PAKISTAN: Builders ask cement makers to cut down prices


Members of the Association of Builders and Developers of Pakistan (ABAD) threatened on Saturday to bring construction activities to a halt throughout the country in two weeks if cement manufacturers did not reduce cement prices by about 30%.

Addressing a meeting of ABAD members, which was also attended by the media, ABAD Chairman Mohsin Shiekhani said the price of a 50-kilogramme bag of cement went up to Rs435 from Rs365 in the last six months. “Cement manufacturers have formed a cartel. They claim that cement consumption has gone up, creating a gap in its demand and supply. If that’s true, why don’t they use the idle capacity of their plants, most of which currently operate at 60%-70% capacity?”

ABAD is the representative body of Pakistan’s builders and developers with over 700 members from all provinces. It has demanded that the cost of a 50kg bag be brought down to Rs300.

ABAD members unanimously decided to hoist black flags and put up banners at all construction sites in Pakistan, condemning the rise in cement prices.

If prices remain unchanged, another meeting will take place on April 28 to announce a formal halt in construction activities throughout the country. “There will be no purchase of cement, and no construction activity, after April 28 if our demands are not fulfilled,” he said. Meanwhile, ABAD representatives also vowed to renew their efforts and make the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) – the regulatory body to check cartelisation – take punitive measures against cement manufacturers. Saying that former CCP Chief Khalid Mirza made significant breakthroughs in checking the alleged cartelisation in the cement industry, they said he had brought down the per-bag price of cement to Rs300. The performance of the new CCP chief has been less than satisfactory, they added.

Speaking on the occasion, ABAD Chairman (South Region) Saleem Kassim Patel said the increase in cement prices on the pretext of the hike in global oil demand made little sense, as most cement manufacturing plants used coal and gas.

He added that the price of coal had gone down from $128 per ton in July 2011 to $120 per ton in the international market. “Besides, gas is used to fire cement plants in the summer, which is also a cheap source of energy.”

AFRICA: Tunisia: New Cement Plant to Boost Local Cement Production

A new cement plant called Sotacib Kairouan began producing cement on April 14, 2012 in the governorate of Kairouan.

With a total cost of 465 million dinars (333 US dollars), the unit has a production capacity of 1.2 million tons per year, which will bring the total Tunisian production of cement from 7.2 to 8.4 million tons by the end of 2012.

The Sotacib Kairouan Unit is a subsidiary of the Spanish industrial group Cementos Molins. Since late 2007, Cementos Molins S.A. owns a 65% stake in the Société Tuniso-Andalouse of Ciment Blanc, SA (SOTACIB), a Tunisian company dedicated to the production of cement. Its factory in Feriana, central-west Tunisia, has an annual production capacity of 700,000 tons of white cement. It mainly exports its cement products to Algeria and Libya. Sotacib Kairouan Unit produces grey cement with a production capacity of 1.4 million tons per year.

The plant produces almost 4,000 tons of cement per day and employs over 150 Tunisian employees. The Sotacib Kairouan Unit is expected to provide the Tunisian market with big amounts of cement and reduce monopoly and speculation of the product, which previously led to soaring prices for cement in Tunisia.

Tunisia's oldest cement plant is located in Bizerte, which was set up in 1952 during French colonization, and produces 900,000 tons of cement per year.

ETHIOPIA: East Cement, Ethiopia to Export to South Sudan

East Cement S.C, a Chinese established cement factory in Ethiopia, has begun exporting cement to South Sudan after receiving approval form the Ministry of Industry said Wu Cheng Bing, Executive Manager of the company.

The company has plans to export its products to regional countries with the aim to becoming a significant cement supplier on the continental market said Bing.

The company’s current export rates are not very significant because of its dependence on the availability of raw materials and consistent supply of power he said.The company’s production has been aversely affected by the power interruptions and East Cement would produce more if such interruptions ceased explained Bing.

The company has invested considerably to utilize the latest technology in the industry and employs horizontal production which is less damaging to the environment noted Bing.

The products of East Cement will be exported through its sole agent, Rosetta General Business plc, which is currently distributing its cement on the domestic market.

East Cement was given permission to export cement on the 4th of April via a letter signed by Mekonnen Manyazewal State Minister for Industry.

It is to be remembered that Messebo and Mugher cement factories launched cement exports regional in the last two months.

Messebo acquired the permit to export cement some months ago due to the fall in prices and the sudden drops in domestic demands for cement.

State operated Mugher Cement Factory which was unable to meet 43% of target sales in the past two quarters has also resorted to exports to Kenya, South Sudan and Djibouti according to sources.

AFRICA: NIGERIA:Firm spends $150m cement plant

DANGOTE Industries Limited (DIL) of Nigeria says it has spent US$150 million out of the US$400 million total investment of the cement plant under construction in Masaiti, expected to be completed by December 2013.

Meanwhile, Copperbelt Minister Davies Mwila says the province requires a lot of Greenfield investments to accelerate the creation of jobs and contribute towards the country’s economic growth.

Dangote chief general manager Vivek Heblikar says the construction works are on schedule and once completed the cement plant will have a production capacity of 3,500 tonnes of cement per day.

Mr Heblikar said this after Mr Mwila toured DIL’s state-of-the-art cement plant last Thursday.
He,however, expressed concern over the delay in issuance of work permit for specialist from Sinoma Engineering and Construction Company of China adding that the delay in clearing of machinery for construction purposes was likely to affects the construction work.

“Despite facing all these challenges the construction works are on schedule and are expected to complete by December 2013,” he said.

Dangote has cement plants in South Africa, Ethiopia and Tanzania.

He said currently the construction work has created a thousand jobs, adding that, “Upon completion of the plant, 600 permanent jobs for the local people will be created.”

After the tour, Mr Mwila said Government is providing an enabling investment environment for both local and foreign investors.

“We want to see more of these investors in various sectors as they will supplement Government’s efforts in job creation,” he said.

He said Government is aware of the hiccups the company is going through such as the issuance of work permit and clearing of machinery at border areas.

Mr Mwila said his office has already engaged the Zambia Revenue Authority and other concerned stakeholders on the matter adding that, “Government will be able to sort out these problems…to me I expect to see progress now.”

He said the entrant of another player in the cement manufacturing will bring about competition that is likely to result into low cost cement on the local market.

ESPAÑA: Cementos Portland solicitará a su junta una ampliación de capital

Cementos Portland solicitará a su junta general de accionistas autorización para realizar, en caso de que lo estime oportuno, una ampliación de capital, según consta en el orden del día de la asamblea.

Cementos Portland solicitará a su junta general de accionistas autorización para realizar, en caso de que lo estime oportuno, una ampliación de capital, según consta en el orden del día de la asamblea.

La cementera del grupo FCC contempla ampliar capital y abrirlo así a nuevos socios como una alternativa para reforzar su balance en el caso de que finalmente no venda el negocio y los activos que tiene en Estados Unidos.

La firma incluye esta medida en el plan de reestructuración que desarrollará este año con el doble objetivo de "racionalizar y adecuar" su estructura industrial ante el desplome del mercado de cemento en España y recortar su deuda.

Cementos Portland confía en decidir a mediados de año si opta por la ampliación o por la venta de los activos estadounidenses, operaciones ambas que permitirían reducir la deuda neta de unos 1.300 millones de que actulamente renegocia.

Entre el resto de puntos del orden del día de la junta de Cementos Portland, remitido a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), sobresale el de reelección y ratificación de los catorce miembros que actualmente integran su consejo de administración.

Entre las ratificaciones se incluye la del nuevo presidente de la cementera, Juan Béjar. También se someterá a la aprobación de los socios la ratificación del nombramiento como consejeros de José Manuel Burgos Pérez y José María Iturrioz.

Cementos Portland propondrá la reeleción del resto de consejeros, entre los que figuran la accionista de control de FCC Esther Koplowitz, que además es vicepresidenta de la cementera, y sus tres hijas.

COLOMBIA: Acero y cemento jalonan aumento en los costos de la construcción

Los incrementos que han registrado los costos de construcción redundan de manera directa en el precio final de la vivienda y por ende construir en la actualidad vale más que lo que costaba edificar hace unos años.

De acuerdo con lo expresado por Eduardo Loaiza, gerente de Camacol Antioquia, el aumento de los costos de la construcción distancia la posibilidad de que las personas adquieran los inmuebles. Sin embargo, hay que anotar, que quienes han comprado sobre planos, tienen más valorizadas sus viviendas en la actualidad, agregó el directivo gremial.

En la denominada canasta de la construcción están aquellos elementos que inciden directamente en el desarrollo de las obras de edificación de vivienda. Allí se incluyen bienes y servicios como mano de obra, maquinaria y equipos, herramientas, materiales para acabados y el resto de los materiales para la construcción en los cuales están aceros, concretos y asfaltos, entre otros.

Los que más incidieron
El acero, uno de los elementos fundamentales al momento de edificar, registró un aumento cercano al 39 por ciento en 2011, pues Colombia no produce el uno por ciento del acero que requiere y depende de las importaciones, cuyo precio está fijado por el mercado externo.

A ello se suma el aumento en la mano de obra, registrado por el reajuste de salarios que a comienzos de año se hace acorde con la inflación o por encima de ella. Otro aspecto que aumentó el valor de la mano de obra fue la mayor demanda de personal, como consecuencia de las diferentes obras de construcción e infraestructura que se desarrollan en el territorio nacional.

El tercer componente de mayor efecto en los costos de construcción fue el cemento. Su aumento se atribuye, entre otras razones, al mayor costo de la energía y a las inversiones hechas en las plantas productoras para responder a los requerimientos ambientales hechos por las autoridades del ramo.

Las arcillas que se usan en la fabricación del ladrillo han subido su precio, pues deben traerse de lugares distantes de Medellín y el transporte encarece su valor final.

Una herramienta que entrega información sobre este comportamiento es el Índice de Costos de la Construcción de Vivienda, Iccv.

En febrero de 2012, dicho índice registró una variación mensual de 0.97 por ciento. Las principales alzas se presentaron en concretos (2.48 por ciento), morteros (2.17 por ciento), pavimentos (2.14 por ciento) y cemento gris (1.99 por ciento), informó el Dane.

VENEZUELA: Escasez del cemento paraliza obras en el municipio

Son varias las obras que se han tenido que paralizar por la falta de cemento y de otros materiales de construcción, los constructores se sienten preocupados ya que la escasez de cemento, paraliza el progreso de la nación y los más perjudicados son precisamente la comunidad.

Desde hace un tiempo para acá en el municipio Miranda se ha sentido una fuerte escasez de cemento y cabilla, así como otros materiales de construcción lo que redunda en la paralización de las obras que se llevan a cabo en la comunidad y que son de suma importancia por la ciudadanía.

Pronta solución

Quienes trabajan la parte de la construcción, esperan que la situación se normalice lo antes posible ya que son muchos los proyectos que se deben poner en marcha, pero con la situación que se está viviendo es bastante difícil que se avance en estos proyectos. El cemento es la materia prima indispensable para la realización de cualquier trabajo de construcción.

Así lo señalaron Aníbal Vásquez y Omar Ramírez, constructores del municipio, quienes además destacaron, que desde que el Gobierno Nacional implementó la industria cementera, el país se ha sumido en un retraso total, la parte constructora se ha paralizado en un gran porcentaje, así mismo destacan que esto se ha convertido en una verdadera mafia ya que el cemento está en manos de un grupo de personas que se ha venido lucrando con este importante producto, por esta razón exigen al Gobierno Nacional, para que le de celeridad a la solución de este problema ya que quien se ve más perjudicado es precisamente el pueblo del que tanto habla el Gobierno.

Igualmente los denunciantes aseguran que se vienen realizando algunas obras de embaulamiento de algunas quebradas, pero lamentablemente los trabajos se han tenido que paralizar por lo escaso del cemento, elemento fundamental para la construcción.