Friday, February 4, 2011


Roma - Il fatturato del gruppo Italcementi per l'esercizio 2010 e' sceso del 4,3% a a 4,790 miliardi di euro.

Lo riferisce un comunicato dell'azienda. Le vendite consolidate di cemento e clinker sono state pari a 54,4 milioni di tonnellate (-2,4%), in recupero rispetto al calo dei volumi venduti registrato nel 2009 (-1,11%). Le attivita' nel settore degli inerti, pari a 36,7 milioni di tonnellate, hanno segnato una diminuzione del 6%, mentre il comparto del calcestruzzo ha contabilizzato un leggero incremento (+1,4%) con 11,4 milioni di metri cubi .

INDIA: Fuel, freight costs drag down Ambuja Cements’ profit

Operating profit margin at around 18% was 650 basis points lower from a year ago, and slightly lower from the previous sequential quarter

Pressure on profit margins due to spiralling costs coupled with customer resistance to higher cement prices has been the story for cement makers in the last several quarters. Ambuja Cements Ltd’s December quarter was no exception.

Operating profit margin (OPM) at around 18% was 650 basis points lower from a year ago, and slightly lower from the previous sequential quarter. One basis point is a hundredth of a percentage point.

Higher coal prices was one reason for the steep 30% year-on-year (y-o-y) jump in power and fuel cost per tonne of cement produced. Likewise, freight costs per tonne inched up 4% y-o-y and about 3% quarter-on-quarter.

A contraction in raw material costs as a percentage of sales eased the pressure on margins partly—the firm commissioned two clinker kilns in 2010, leading to lower purchase of clinker.

But Ambuja Cements could not register robust revenue growth either. One reason was its exposure to the eastern and northern markets, where cement prices were still sticky compared with some other regions. Net revenue at Rs1,788 crore during December grew marginally on a y-o-y basis.

Despatches in the December quarter grew 4% y-o-y, but inadequate pricing edge led to lower realizations at around Rs3,590 per tonne. Further, Ambuja Cements’ full-year realization per tonne at around Rs3,700 was 2% lower than the previous year. The pressure on profit margins can be seen through the contiguous fall in OPM, from about 32% in the March quarter to the present 18% in December quarter. The company counts its year from January.

Ambuja Cements’ reported net profit grew 4.6% y-o-y to Rs251 crore, which includes Rs37.1 crore credit from tax expenses pertaining to prior years. If adjusted, the net profit contracted by around 11% y-o-y. For the full year, the net profit was 4% higher than the previous year at Rs1,263 crore.

Some analysts say the sector has hit the bottom and the situation could not worsen further. Perhaps that’s why Ambuja Cements’ shares jumped by 3% to Rs125.50.

Ambuja Cements, which produces 25 million tonnes (mt) of cement a year, will increase production by 2 mt during 2011. The firm could save on costs going forward due to higher clinker capacity and wind power. Yet, “while power and fuel costs could be range bound, the demand-supply imbalance will keep cement prices volatile, in addition to subdued demand expansion in the near term”, said Ajay Parmar, head (research) at Emkay Global Financial Services Ltd.

PARAGUAY: La INC cobra por 120.000 bolsas y no las entrega

La INC facturó 4.200 millones de guaraníes por venta de cemento, pero sus grandes clientes, los distribuidores, no pueden retirar el producto. La mora en el despacho equivale a dos meses de ininterrumpida producción.

Pague al contado, entre en la lista de espera y más tarde que temprano recibirá su carga de cemento. Esa es la filosofía comercial de la Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) que, según los propios distribuidores, tiene 120.000 bolsas pendientes de entrega, lo cual se traduce en 4.200 millones de guaraníes.

O sea, esta entidad pública se maneja con capital operativo del sector privado, que encima tiene que abonar coimas a intermediarios para poder retirar el producto, según denuncias.

En algunos casos los clientes de la cementera estatal reciben su carga luego de 22 días o más. Por ejemplo, Sixto Sanabria pagó cerca de 19 millones de guaraníes por 540 bolsas. Sin embargo, 23 días después consiguió el producto, luego de que expusiera, con todo respeto a la INC, los perjuicios que le estaba ocasionando la demora en el despacho.

Los propios dirigentes sindicales de la INC reconocieron que la empresa tiene 160.000 bolsas pendientes de entrega, pero la cantidad era varias veces superior hace dos años.

"La fábrica está produciendo a su máxima capacidad, y a consecuencia de las paradas no programadas se dejó de trabajar por varios días el año pasado, pero ahora que llegará más clínker se va a entregar todo lo pendiente y de ahí en más la producción, venta y despacho serán regularizados", afirmaron referentes de la INC.

Los distribuidores se quejaron anteayer, durante una manifestación, que debido al retardo de la entrega de cemento ellos deben asumir el costo financiero, a lo que se suma la espera por días del camión en Villeta, con el costo del viático al conductor, lo cual se recarga al precio final al consumidor.

Tanto la Federación de Distribuidores de Materiales de Construcción del País (crítico a Optaciano Gómez) y el Centro de Distribuidores de la INC del Paraguay (afín a Gómez) coinciden en que no reciben la cantidad necesaria de cemento, a pesar de haber pagado por una cantidad determinada. Todos manifiestan que hay privilegiados a la hora de la entrega.

Es más, el propio gerente Comercial de la INC, Eduardo Cano, reconoció ante los distribuidores, diputados y organismos de defensa del consumidor, que "recibe llamadas y presiones de políticos para el despacho de cemento", lo que evidencia que la administración del liberal Optaciano Gómez se acomoda a los intereses partidarios. 

De hecho, varios nuevos distribuidores son parlamentarios del Partido Liberal Radical Auténtico (PLRA) y políticos que retiran la mayor cantidad, como el distribuidor Carlos Núñez.


El gerente comercial de la INC, Eduardo Cano, afirmó ayer que tras el acuerdo con los distribuidores que se manifestaron anteayer, se determinó entregar el producto por departamento, conforme a un porcentaje a determinar basado en promedios.

"Todavía no se firmó el acuerdo, pero hay coincidencia en que se entregará la existencia disponible a todos. Aquí recibirán los chinos y los grandes, pero todos tendrán cemento", afirmó Cano.

Confirmó que el próximo martes se tendrá la lista de retiro, por departamento, con el cupo porcentual.

FRANCIA: Manifestation contre Holcim : "On n'en a pas du tout besoin"

Samedi dernier, l'association Respire, avec Nature Environnement 17 et le collectif "Non à l'usine Holcim", organisait une manifestation à La Rochelle contre le projet du cimentier.

C'est sur la musique de la série télévisée Mission Impossible que le cortège des manifestants, réuni à l'initiative de l'association Respire, avec Nature Environnement 17 et le collectif "Non à l'usine Holcim du port de La Rochelle", s'est ébranlé de la place Verdun en direction de la préfecture, après une halte dans la cour de l'Hôtel de ville. À sa tête, la présidente de l'association, le docteur Chayoux, son vice-président, Raymond Bozier, ainsi que Patrice Raffarin et Léon Gendre, respectivement maire de Rivedoux et maire de La Flotte, avec leur écharpe tricolore. Vêtus de gilets jaunes et équipés de pancartes qui attaquent Holcim, Picoty ou Maxime Bono, les presque 300 manifestants ont défilé dans une ambiance bon enfant. Mais la colère était perceptible dans les propos des uns et des autres.

Pour Renaud Pernet, habitant de Sainte-Marie-de-Ré, ce centre de broyage du cimentier Holcim n'apportera rien, ni en termes d'activités, ni en termes d'emplois. "On n'en a pas du tout besoin. Ce projet n'est qu'une histoire de gros sous et de financiers. Pour Picoty, c'est pareil. En attendant, ce sont les Rétais et les Rochelais qui vont pâtir de la pollution générée par ce site. Pis encore, ce centre est un scandale, car il est trop proche des habitations de La Pallice. C'est une aberration totale."

Même son de cloche du côté, justement, des riverains de La Pallice. "Il faut à tout prix éloigner ce type d'usine de nos maisons. Nous sommes inquiets, car nous n'avons pas été informés de ce projet. Derrière Holcim, qu'est-ce qu'il va y avoir. Il y a 35 hectares à aménager sur le front de mer. Que vont-ils y faire ? Nous sommes très inquiets. Nous espérons que, cette fois-ci, non seulement nous serons tenus informés, mais aussi concertés sur le devenir du site", explique Pascal Belard, de La Pallice.

Les risques non mesurés

Les risques de pollution et l'extension de la zone Seveso sont pointés du doigt par tous. "Il faut vraiment se battre contre tous les risques de pollution que présente ce centre de broyage tant pour la ville de La Rochelle que pour l'île de Ré", relève Patrice Raffarin, le maire de Rivedoux, commune située juste en face de La Pallice, et donc concernée au premier chef. "Il ne faut pas oublier, complète le maire de La Flotte, Léon Gendre, qu'il y a incompatibilité entre les silos à blé, présents sur le site, et le ciment. Or, le risque représenté par cette "cohabitation" n'a pas du tout été étudié.”

Et le docteur Frédéric Jacq, demeurant à Rivedoux, de rappeler que l'industrie du ciment est une des industries les plus polluantes. "Si des analyses en lien avec la pollution ont été abordées par l'industriel dans son dossier de demande d'autorisation d'exploiter, il n'est pas possible, cependant, d'évaluer les conséquences. Or, il faut vraiment être vigilant sur ce projet en raison de la localisation de l'Anse Saint-Marc. En effet, celle-ci se trouve en limite du parc marin concerné par la biodiversité, l'ostréiculture, la pêche, et les habitations de La Pallice et de l'île de Ré. Aussi, le fait que le permis de construire ait été signé constitue-t-il une véritable erreur", conclut-il.

Cette erreur, plusieurs recours, déposés au tribunal administratif, vont essayer de la démontrer. Pour l'heure, une fois la manifestation terminée, un nouveau rendez-vous a été pris, le 17 février prochain, à 20h, pour une réunion publique, à La Rochelle, salle de L'Oratoire. Une autre suivra sur l'île de Ré, mais la date n'est pas encore fixée. Plusieurs réponses seront apportées.

Recours contre Holcim

Ira, ira pas ? Après quelques valses hésitations, les élus de la Communauté de communes de l'île de Ré (CdC), réunis en conseil le 27 janvier dernier, ont décidé de déposer un recours au tribunal administratif contre le projet d'unité de broyage de ciment du groupe Holcim au port de commerce de La Pallice. L'unanimité s'est faite sur cette délibération, excepté la voix de la socialiste Anne Deniel, absente lors du vote.

De l'amertume, il y en avait dans les propos du président de la CdC, Lionel Quillet, faute de cohérence et de concertation entre la CdC et la CdA (Communauté d'agglomération de La Rochelle). Amertume aussi, car les décisions engagées par le territoire rétais s'inscrivent dans une forte logique environnementale, alors que celles de la CdA semblent "s'inscrire dans un avenir industriel. Peut-être qu'au deuxième, troisième ou quatrième projet Holcim, nous serons consultés. Mais, pour l'heure, force est de constater, que l'on nous a pris par-dessus la jambe", invectivait le président.

Toutefois, il est impossible d'attaquer le permis de construire, car toute procédure serait hors délai. Reste le permis d'exploitation signé par le préfet, le 6 décembre dernier. Deux cabinets d'avocats (celui de Corinne Lepage et celui du Rochelais, Me François Drageon), sont à la recherche de ce qui pourrait être attaqué dans l'arrêté. Il faudra faire vite, car le délai légal va bientôt expirer.

MEXICO: Cemex estima alza de precios

Cemex, la tercera productora de cemento a nivel global, dio a conocer que prevé un inicio de año con alza de precios tanto en México como en Estados Unidos, para despejar los incrementos en los insumos, sobre todo en energéticos. El vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Planeación y Finanzas de la cementera, Fernando González, dijo que la empresa valorará la posibilidad de aplicar aumentos, pues aún es prematuro anticipar cómo será ese comportamiento. 

Aunque no mencionó de qué magnitud será ese ajuste en México, precisó que en Estados Unidos habrá un alza en los precios de las tres principales líneas de productos (cemento, concreto y agregados) que irán del orden de 7.0 a 15 y 17 por ciento, según la situación de cada localidad. ''Estamos muy optimistas que estos incrementos se concreten y podamos empezar este año con un aumento de precios que definitivamente pueda cubrir la inflación que tenemos en los costos de producción, principalmente de energía, electricidad y combustible'', que mostraron importantes alzas, subrayó. 

Sobre los resultados al cuarto trimestre de 2010, anticipó que para este año se considera un incremento de 3.0 por ciento en los volúmenes de cemento, concreto y agregado en México; y en Estados Unidos el volumen de cemento crecerá 5.0 por ciento, el de concreto 6.0 y el de agregados alrededor de 2.0 por ciento. ''Mantendremos al mínimo las inversiones de capital, que anticipamos se sitúen en 475 millones de dólares en 2011, así como otras inversiones para maximizar la reducción de nuestra deuda''; ese monto es la cantidad que requiere la empresa para mantener su operación actual, argumentó. 

De acuerdo con el directivo, Cemex continuará con la disciplina en reducción de costos para maximizar su rentabilidad y fortalecer la estructura de capital. ''Hemos identificado iniciativas que significarán cerca de 250 millones de dólares en ahorros para este año'', destacó. Como parte de la estrategia para reducir deuda, en 2011 la cementera continuará con la venta de activos que no le generen flujo de operación, principalmente bienes raíces, por los cuales prevé obtener unos 150 millones de dólares. 

El vicepresidente corporativo de Finanzas de Cemex, Rodrigo Treviño, informó al respecto que la estrategia financiera de la empresa considera tres pilares, el primero es reducir al mínimo el riesgo de refinanciamiento en el corto plazo. En segundo lugar, evitar costos incrementales en el gasto financiero, para lo cual se harán prepagos a bancos por dos mil 300 millones de dólares durante 2011, con lo que evitará costos incrementales por unos 200 millones anuales; y por último, mejorar el margen de cumplimiento de las razones financieras. 

El directivo recordó que en la próxima Asamblea de Accionistas del 24 febrero se propondrá la aprobación de una emisión hasta por 200 millones de ADRs (dos mil millones de CPO´s), equivalentes a 20 por ciento de las acciones en circulación. ''De aprobarse esto nos brindará la flexibilidad necesaria para acceder a los mercados de capital y emitir instrumentos de capital o títulos subordinados con opción de conversión en acciones', señaló.

MEXICO: Cemex pierde 574 MDD en cuarto trimestre de 2010

La cementera prevé un crecimiento de tres por ciento en México y de cinco por ciento en Estados Unidos, sus mercados más demandantes

MONTERREY, NUEVO LEÓN (04/FEB/2011).- La cementera mexicana Cemex reportó el jueves una pérdida neta mayor a la esperada en el cuarto trimestre, pero previó un mejor panorama para este año con alzas en volúmenes de ventas en la mayoría de sus mercados y la reducción de su pesada deuda. 

Cemex, la tercera mayor cementera del mundo, estimó un alza de cinco por ciento en sus volúmenes de cemento en Estados Unidos, su mayor mercado, principalmente por una mayor demanda en el sector residencial. 

En México, la compañía prevé que sus volúmenes de venta crezcan este año tres por ciento por una mayor inversión en infraestructura pública, mientras que en el Reino Unido crecerían dos por ciento. 

El único mercado con caída estimada para este año es España, el tercer mayor mercado de Cemex, con una baja de 10% en sus volúmenes de ventas. 

La compañía no dio expectativas para sus operaciones en Egipto, ante los disturbios registrados en los últimos días, pero dijo que su planta, localizada a 350 kilómetros al sur de El Cairo, trabaja normalmente. 

Cemex, que opera en más de 50 países, dijo que los mayores volúmenes de ventas, ajuste precios y una reducción de costos le permitirán mejorar su desempeño operativo en 2011.

Ven punto de inflexión

La cementera reportó una pérdida neta de 574 millones de dólares (MDD) en el último trimestre de 2010, mucho mayor que la pérdida de 132 millones de dólares esperada por analistas en un sondeo de la agencia Reuters. 

El resultado neto se vio afectado por mayores impuestos de los esperados y gastos financieros generados por el deterioro de activos fijos, una pérdida por desinversiones y pago de indemnizaciones. 

Pero, en lo que parecería una señal de recuperación luego de dos años de caídas en sus resultados, los ingresos de Cemex en el trimestre octubre-diciembre mostraron un alza de uno por ciento frente al mismo lapso de 2009, a 3.492 millones de dólares. 

La compañía bajó el año pasado su deuda total en mil 400 millones de dólares, para cerrar con un monto de 17 mil 729 millones de dólares, que incluyen bonos perpetuos, según una presentación en su portal de internet. 

Cemex agregó que tiene cubiertos sus vencimientos de deuda hasta 2012 y que espera prepagar hasta dos mil 300 millones de dólares este año dentro de su acuerdo de refinanciamiento, para evitar una multa de cerca de 200 millones de dólares en sus intereses.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

AFRICA: NIGERIA: Local cement production to hit 17million tonnes

The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Senator Jubril Martins-Kuye, said figures of cement produced locallly have jumped from 10.5million tonnes in last year to 17million tonnes in 2011.

‘’It is obvious that the effort of the government is beginning to pay off as the local production of cement is beginning to yield positive result, local production level has increased from two million tonnes in 2002 to 10.5million in 2010, while the government targets 17million by the end of 2011,’’ he said.

Martins-Kuye disclosed this during a meeting with the Committee on the Implementation of BackwardIntegration Policy in the cement subsector as they submit their report, stating that with this development the target by the end of 2011 is 17million.

He said: "The cement subsector has become a success story because at the time the backward integration policy started, it was two million tonnes in 2002, and gradually rose to 10.5million tonnes in 2010.

"By the end of 2011 we are expecting 17million tonnes, in the first quarter of the year, 6.5million tones will be delivered to augment total availability supply of 17million tones which will equal the demand.

"If Nigeria can formulate a policy and stand by it, the nation can achieve its target in industrial level and goal. The government will showcase the achievement of the successful industrial policy and try to replicate it across other sector of the economy.

Chairman of the committee, Lateef Salami, recalled that the group was inaugurated in September last year to ascertain the level of compliance of investors in the cement industry to backward integration policy of government.

INDIA: Cement prices to rise further

Companies may increase prices by Rs 5-10 per bag due to rising raw material prices.

Reeling under high raw material costs, cement makers may further increase prices by Rs 5-10 per bag — the fourth price rise after Diwali, with cement already costlier by 10-12 per cent.

“While fuel input costs have risen by around 50 per cent over the last year, logistics’ costs have also gone up due to indirect increase in the cost of rail transportation following an increase in demurrage and wharfage charges. Power and fuel account for nearly 60 per cent of the variable costs,” said Shailendra Chouksey, director, JK Lakshmi Cement.

Chouksey said the industry needs to push cement prices up to address the increase in input costs.

The industry is passing through a demand-supply adjustment cycle, with a rise in demand after the Commonwealth Games. “There has been a 9-9.5 per cent increase in demand in the last quarter, on a quarter-on-quarter basis. There has also been two sets of price increases in January. Another round is expected soon,” said Sanjay Ladiwala, president, Cement Stockist and Dealers’ Association of Bombay.

Input costs for all raw materials are rising and analysts feel it would put pressure on the operating margins of the companies to the range of 4-9 per cent over the next two years.

While reduced coal linkages will force companies to buy from the costlier open market and through imports, rail freight rates have gone up by four per cent from December 2010.

Imported coal is up 50 per cent in the past quarter and open market coal prices are surging. Besides, cost of other inputs like gypsum, fly ash and slag is also expected to go up by 10-13 per cent on a year-on-year basis.

Capacity build-up over the past two years has also resulted in a steady drop in capacity utilisation, from 80 per cent in the first quarter to 69 per cent in the second and 71 per cent in the third quarter of the current financial year. The average capacity utilisation for FY11 plunged to 74 per cent, against 85 per cent during the corresponding period last year.

The net cement capacity in India is 265 million tonnes, with another 35 million tonnes expected to come up in 2012-13.

“We feel cement makers are forming cartels and pushing prices up artificially. This adds to the total cost of construction. We demand a separate regulator for construction material suppliers and manufacturers to keep a check on such unhealthy practices,” said Jaxay Shah, president (Gujarat), Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Association of India.

Cement manufacturers, on the other hand, argued there has not been any major infrastructure project after the Commonwealth Games last year, and the dip in capacity utilisation is translating into the present demand situation.

Prices in Mumbai are in the range of Rs 258-260 per 50 kg bag, while in the rest of Maharashtra, it is slightly lower at Rs 240-250. In Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, prices are Rs 220-230 a bag, but in Chennai it is more expensive, at Rs 260 a bag. Prices in Kolkata are around Rs 240 per bag and in the northern part of the country, Rs 210 a bag.

However, infrastructure projects being developed now may not be affected by the rising prices.

“This is because most of the projects are covered by the escalation clause under the construction contract. This applies to key inputs like cement and steel,” said R Balarami Reddy, director (finance), IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects Limited.

AFRICA: NAMIBIA: EIB supports Namibia’s only cement plant

The FINANCIAL -- The European Investment Bank (EIB) welcomes today’s inauguration of Namibia’s only cement plant. 

The Ohorongo facility, the most modern cement plant in Africa, is located 435km north of Namibia’s capital Windhoek. The plant will comply with the same strict environmental and emission control standards as used by sister facilities in Germany. Operation of the Ohorongo plant ends Namibia’s reliance on imported cement and will supply demand in Botswana, Zambia and post civil-war Angola. 

The European Investment Bank, the European Union’s long-term lending institution, will provide over EUR 82 million for the EUR 250 million project in recognition of the Ohorongo plant’s expected contribution to local employment and high environmental standards. The European Investment Bank will speak about the plant’s contribution to the local economy on behalf of the European Union and international financial institutions at the inauguration. DEG, part of Germany’s KfW Banking group, and the Development Bank of Southern Africa will also support the scheme. The inauguration ceremony will be attended by the President and Prime Minister of the Republic of Namibia, the German Ambassador, interim European Union Chargé d'Affaires and European Investment Bank representative.

“The European Investment Bank congratulates Ohorongo Cement in completing construction of Namibia’s only cement factory complying with strict emission and safety standards. We welcome the plant's commitment to improving living standards and employment around the facility and we hope that it will stimulate economic activity in northern Namibia.” highlighted Plutarchos Sakellaris, European Investment Bank Vice-President responsible for Africa.

"The inauguration of the Ohorongo Cement factory is as a pivotal investment towards the strengthening of the industrial sector in Namibia. The factory will support the goals set out in the country's long-term development strategy Vision 2030 for optimal utilization of the country's resources and diversification of its economy. I am convinced that Ohorongo will live up to our expectations and make an important contribution to the economy in the whole region - for generations to come." noted Dr. Joachim Knoth, European Union interim Chargé d'Affaires.

“DBSA is proud to be one of the financiers of Namibia’s first cement plant, which will include a grinding mill, access roads, railway track and housing facilities for the workforce. The new cement plant will be an important addition to cement capacity in the region, enabling the expansion of infrastructure, housing and economic development broadly. In addition, it will provide over 300 direct jobs and provide indirect employment for over 2,000 people in the Tsumeb area, a poor rural district. We are also quite pleased that the Ohorongo cement plant has been built with advanced, improved technology, featuring not only improved energy efficiency, but also the innovative use of alternative fuel, namely the encroacher bush, which will supply up to 30% of the cement plant’s energy demand; this is being done in a win-win partnership with the local community and indigenous farmers, promoting further local employment and income generation for agrarian community.” noted Admassu Tadesse, DBSA’s Group Executive responsible for the Bank’s financing and investments in Africa.

The Ohorongo plant will have an annual production capacity of 700,000 tonnes and cover cement production from raw material preparation to cement dispatching. The loan will also finance a grinding mill, access roads, railway track and housing facilities for the workforce.

The new cement plant will make a significant contribution to reducing poverty and towards sustainable economic development in northern Namibia. The Ohorongo plant will provide over 300 direct jobs and provide indirect employment for over 2,000 people in the Tsumeb area, a poor rural district. Ohorongo cement seek to use invader bush to supply 30% of the plants energy demand, further boosting local employment through harvesting and delivery activities.

Other lenders in the project, with a total investment of € 250 million, are DEG, part of Germany’s KfW Banking group, and the Development Bank of Southern Africa.

AFRICA: TUNISIA: Baisse relative de la production à la société Les Ciments de Bizerte

La société Les Ciments de Bizerte (SCB) n'a pas subi de dommages, lors des derniers événements. Aucun dégât n'a été enregistré dans aucune de ses unités, a affirmé à l'agence Tunis Afrique Presse, M. Ridha Mokdad, directeur commercial à la SCB.

Seulement, le volume de la production a, relativement, baissé, au cours de cette période, du fait que les travailleurs de l'usine ne pouvaient pas rejoindre leurs lieux de travail, notamment au cours de la vacation de nuit, a précisé le responsable.

La société, a-t-il souligné, s'emploie à respect ses engagements envers ses clients et à approvisionner le marché local en ciment et chaux, indiquant que l'arrêt momentané de l'exportation est du à la baisse habituelle des commandes extérieures, en cette période de l'année.

La SCB produit, annuellement, 900 mille tonnes de clinker portland utilisé dans la fabrication du ciment portland artificiel et du ciment composé.

La société a réalisé, au cours des neuf premiers mois de l'année 2010, des ventes sur le marché local d'une valeur globale de 50 millions de dinars et des exportations dépassant les 16 millions 500 mille dinars.

L'entreprise emploie 463 personnes dont 19pc des cadres.

AFRICA: 3rd Africa Cementrade Uncovers Cement Suppliers' Opportunities in Fast-Growing Sub-Sahara Africa Cement Market

The 3rd Africa Cementrade to be held in Nairobi, Kenya will offer valuable insight into the challenges and opportunities of moving cement into fast-developing African countries. The industry-setting conference will explore project opportunities, financing challenges, and logistical issues in the Africa cement market.

The Africa cement industry is preparing itself for a new surge of cement demand, following resumption of infrastructure building across the continent. Developing states in the Sub-Sahara such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Angola and Sudan are focusing on reconstruction efforts, resulting in a boom in construction activities.

Kenya specifically, is marked as one of Africa's key places of growth with its economy expected to grow at six percent in 2011 and cement consumptionprojected to surpass the 2010 levels. For that reason, the 3rd Africa Cementrade held in Nairobi, Kenya on 8-9 March 2011 is the perfect venue of choice for the global industry to review key cement growth markets in Sub-Sahara Africa, North & South Africa.

With an exclusive networking reception sponsored by PEG S.A., the conference will allow delegates to interact and forge valuable business relations in an informed setting. PEG S.A. will also be addressing a session on profit maximization within cement plants on the African continent.

Among the panel of distinguished speakers is Harpreet Duggal, both Secretary in the East African Cement Producers Association (EACPA) and Director, Marketing & Strategic Planning, Tanga Cement Company Ltd. Mr. Duggal will provide insights into the cement market outlook in East Africa, addressing competitive landscape, capacity expansion plans and future demand/supply equation.

Across East, North and South Africa, local cement producers are ramping up capacities and keen on expanding to meet growing demand. Leading producer ASEC Cement, who recently inaugurated its new Greenfield plant in Sudan will unveil exciting updates on upcoming plans, as well as touch on cement market opportunities in the North. Meanwhile, Pradeep Praunrana, Managing Director, Rhino Cement Ltd (a division of Athi River Mining Ltd) will share first-hand experiences on building and operating an internationally bench marked cement and clinker plant in East Africa.

Other highlights in the conference's premier line-up include: HC Trading, speaking on global cement flows and logistic challenges in SSA; NEMA (National Environment Management Authority, Kenya), on environmental considerations and new standards for cement production in East Africa; and Climentos de Mozambique, SARL, on meeting cement demand in Mozambique, plus many more.


US demand for activated carbon (AC), including both virgin AC and reactivated product sold by AC suppliers, is forecast to grow almost 17 percent per annum through 2014. The main driver of this exceptional growth will be new demand in mercury control technology for industrial air purification applications. Over the next several years, many US industrial facilities -- including coal-fired power plants, clinker cement plants and other facilities operating large industrial boilers -- will be required to meet stringent new emissions standards for mercury and other hazardous air pollutants overseen by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). New emissions standards were issued for the portland cement industry in late 2010, while comparable rules for a number of other industries will be finalized by late 2011.

An activated carbon injection (ACI) system used for mercury control in a large industrial facility can consume up to two million pounds of AC annually. This represents a tremendous growth opportunity for AC suppliers. Through 2014, demand for powdered activated carbon (PAC) used in mercury control applications alone will grow more than threefold, in the process increasing the share of the US market accounted for by PAC to more than three-quarters.

Granular activated carbon (GAC) types will also see strong growth through 2014, due primarily to expanded use of AC filter systems in municipal drinking water treatment. Heightened demand in this application will stem from new federal drinking water treatment standards being phased in through 2015, which target the elimination of Cryptosporidium, other microbial pathogens and disinfection byproducts from municipal systems. As a result of the new water quality standards, demand for GAC used in drinking water treatment (including both municipal and residential systems) is forecast to more than double through 2014.

Along with the rapid growth underway in the industrial air purification market, demand for AC will improve in other gas phase applications such as emission canisters used in motor vehicles, motorcycles and recreational boats. In liquid phase applications other than drinking water treatment, demand for AC will grow in markets such as pharmaceutical preparations and medical products.

Average selling prices for AC are forecast to improve through 2014. Stiff new tariffs on steam-activated carbon adopted by the US in 2007 have significantly cut the inflow of low-cost virgin AC from China and other Asia/Pacific producers. These import protections, in combination with rapidly growing domestic demand, will establish a good pricing environment for US activated carbon suppliers.

ESPAÑA: Grupo Gallardo ultima un plan estratégico que pasa por cerrar las ventas a la brasileña CSN este trimestre

El Grupo Alfonso Gallardo ha anunciado que ultima un "nuevo plan estratégico" que contempla cerrar en el presente trimestre la venta de tres de sus activos a la Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) de Brasil por un importe total de 382 millones de euros.

Estos tres activos que pasarán a manos de la entidad brasileña, según el acuerdo alcanzado el pasado mes de diciembre, son Corruzgados Azpeitia y Corrugados Lasao, ambos ubicados en el País Vasco, y Cementos Balboa, en Extremadura.

Esta operación, explica el extremeño Grupo Gallardo en un comunicado de prensa, "servirá para reforzar" su "posición financiera" con el fin de "superar la situación actual derivada de la debilidad de los mercados" y también con vistas en la "expansión futura".

"Asimismo supondrá un paso adelante en su estrategia para potenciar sus actividades de mayor valor añadido dentro del ámbito siderúrgico", apostilla la nota.

Gallardo es uno de los principales grupos industriales del sector del acero en España y cuenta con un significativa presencia en los mercados europeo e internacional.


Puntualiza la firma con sede principal en Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz) que este nuevo plan estratégico, en el que se viene trabajando desde hace más de un año, contempla varias actuaciones, entre ellas, la puesta en marcha de una organización corporativa que dependerá directamente del consejero delegado del grupo, Juan Sillero.

Además, el director general de la nueva organización corporativa será Juan Luis López Cardenete, ex director general de redes de la antigua Unión Fenosa.

El organigrama de la corporación se irá completando en las próximas semanas con el nombramiento de personas que actualmente trabajan en el grupo "y excepcionalmente con algún que otro ejecutivo externo si el Grupo Gallardo así lo considera necesario para completar su nuevo plan de negocio", apostilla el propio Juan Sillero en la nota de prensa. Además, el consejero delegado asegura que "el nuevo plan estratégico no contempla la venta de más activos".


Respecto a las factorías que se desinversionan para pasar a manos de CSN, el Grupo Gallardo recuerda que Cementos Balboa, ubicada en la localidad pacense de Alconera inició su actividad en el año 2005 y se dedica a la producción de cementos partiendo de caliza. Su capacidad de producción anual es de 1,4 millones de toneladas de cemento y de 1,1 millones de toneladas de clinker.

Corrugados Azpeitia está especializada en la fabricación de barras corrugadas y tiene una capacidad de producción de 1,1 millones de toneladas al año. Corrugados Lasao fabrica mallas electrosoldadas y tiene una capacidad de producción anual de 200.000 toneladas.

El Grupo Alfonso Gallardo subraya en su nota que es uno de los "principales productores de productos largos de Europa y tiene operaciones significativas en el sector del cemento, papel y energías".

El grupo cuenta con plantas en Extremadura, Madrid, Asturias, País Vasco y Alemania. Sobre este último país indica el comunicado que "la mejoría de la economía alemana, con un crecimiento del 4%, está repercutiendo muy positivamente en el Grupo Gallardo "gracias a su apuesta por la expansión internacional con la adquisición de la planta alemana de perfiles de Thüringen (Alemania)".

También destaca la aportación de la nueva acería de Siderúrgica Balboa, "que fabrica productos de mayor valor añadido" lo cual "le está permitiendo competir en los mercados internacionales".

PERU: Cementos Selva no incrementó precio del cemento en San Martín

El precio de la bolsa de cemento en planta es de S/. 22.60, incluido el IGV; hasta diciembre del 2010 sin el igv el precio era de S/. 18.99, que se mantendrá tan luego se publique el respectivo dispositivo legal recientemente aprobado en el Congreso que prorroga la aplicación de las exoneraciones tributarias hasta enero de 2013. Así señalaron a VOCES directivos de la empresa Cementos Selva S.A. que tiene su planta en el Alto Mayo, indicando que en estos últimos días no se despachó el producto y que si se ha incrementado el precio es ya responsabilidad de quienes expenden el producto a los consumidores, mas no así de la planta.

El pasado sábado publicamos una nota en el que señalábamos que en Tarapoto, particularmente, se estaba vendiendo cemento a S/. 26.30 la bolsa y ello ya no es responsabilidad de la empresa que produce el producto en San Martín y por lo mismo se habría estado especulando con el precio aprovechando el tema de la aplicación del IGV,

Decíamos también que en Iquitos, donde se distribuye cemento de las marcas Sol, Andino y Caribe que el precio por bolsa era de 17 soles, cuando en realidad, de acuerdo a consultas recientes, es de S/. 23.50.

En el precio del cemento influye también el costo del transporte que muchas veces es aprovechado para también aplicar el IGV de parte de los transportistas.

Lo que en realidad tiene que hacerse es establecer un serio control en la venta de este producto, particularmente en las tiendas distribuidoras que en estos últimos días se han aprovechado del pago del IGV. En Tarapoto en estos momentos el precio oscila entre S/. 24.50 y S/. 24.30, en tiendas distribuidoras.

A no dudarlo el tema de la aplicación de IGV ha generado una serie de controversias en nuestra región.

Se acaba de aprobar en el Congreso la prórroga por dos años de las exoneraciones tributarias, y dentro de ello del IGV, por lo mismo publicado que sea el dispositivo pertinente en el diario oficial, las aguas deben volver a su nivel y desde hoy informar al pueblo qué y cómo se debe afrontar este tema del IGV cuando en enero del 2013 se eliminen las exoneraciones tributarias.

UAE: Emirates builders stung by cement price rises

Cement manufacturers in the UAE raised their rates as much as 15 per cent yesterday, drawing complaints from the struggling construction industry with contractors saying they cannot afford the increases.

"Our margins are extremely thin," said Matti Mikkola, the chief executive of Dubai Precast. "Anyone in the construction industry is just trying to survive."

Major cement manufacturers sent out notices last week advising clients of the increases. The new rates reflect a rise in electricity and production costs, manufacturers say.

The volume of cement production has also dropped dramatically in the wake of the construction downturn in the UAE.

Prices are now generally between Dh200 (US$54.44) and Dh250 a tonne, far below the Dh420 a tonne the manufacturers were charging during the building boom. The increases announced last week were on average about Dh30 a tonne.

The price rises will send ripples through a construction industry still reeling from the sharp reduction in development in the past two years.

"This is, in my opinion, irresponsible and short-sighted, especially at this moment in time," said Khalfan Saeed Jumma al Kaabi, the chairman of Ascorp Holdings and the first vice president of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce.

"We should not allow a small group to destroy or hinder the revival of the economy."

The UAE's Ministry of Economy has capped cement prices in the past. But the current prices are below those levels, industry executives say.

Construction companies find themselves caught between the cement manufacturers and builders who are looking to cut costs in hard times.

"We can't go back to the market and ask for customers to pay," said Abdel Razzak Dajani, the managing director of Xtramix Concrete Solutions. "We tried that and they said no."

Contractors are likely to raise their rates on future contracts to cover the costs. However, they will have few options with existing contracts as the increases were announced at short notice, Mr Mikkola said. His rates went from Dh194 a tonne to Dh230 a tonne.

"We will have to absorb all of that," he said. Revenues for the cement industry in the UAE were down 29.8 per cent for the first nine months of last year compared with the same period of 2009, from $728.9 million to $511.5m, according to Global Investment House.

"Operating levels are expected to fall as increased competition and the drop in cement demand continues into 2011," according to a recent report by International Cement Review (ICR), an industry publication.

Overall, cement prices in the region dropped 13 per cent last year from 2009, ICR reported.

"The cement capacity build-up in the GCC and neighbouring regions, alongside a reduction in spending with lowered oil receipts, would place downwards pricing pressure on construction commodities across the whole region," ICR said.

UAE cement companies have been struggling for the past year. In August, RAK Cement posted a Dh1.2m loss for the previous six months, compared with a Dh51.1m profit for the same period in 2009. Sales revenue decreased 20 per cent compared with the same period a year earlier. Union Cement revenues dropped from Dh409m in the first six months of 2009 to Dh313m in the same period last year.

The company posted a Dh9.8m loss for the first six months last year compared with a Dh90m profit for the same period in 2009.

AFRICA: ALGERIA: Les ex agents de sécurité cimenterie Lafarge M’sila bloquent l’accès à la cimenterie

Une cinquantaine d’ex agents de sécurité de la cimenterie Lafarge de M’sila, ont bloqué à la mi journée de ce 01 février, la route menant à la cimenterie, interdisant de ce fait aux approvisionneurs en ciment des wilayas du centre et du sud, l’accès à l’usine.

Ils revendiquent le respect par Lafarge des engagements pris dans l’accord du 15 juin 2010, dans lequel il est stipulé leur réintégration à la cimenterie.

Après leur expulsion de l’usine par la force publique, l’emprisonnement de 07 de leurs, camarades, avant d’être innocenté par la justice, ces 50 ex agents reviennent à la charge aujourd’hui, plus déterminé que jamais pour faire valoir leur revendication .

Rappelons que dans cet accord le groupe Lafarge, à travers ses représentants s’était engagé à réintégrer les 140 agents de sécurité au sein de la nouvelle société de gardiennage, en contrepartie de l’arrêt du mouvement de grève entamés par ces mêmes agents, pour des raisons socio professionnelles. 09 mois après cet accord, rien n’est venu de coté du groupe Lafarge.

Ces ex agents condamnent «la politique de discrimination» pratiquée par Lafarge à l’égard du personnel originaire de la wilaya de M’sila. Sur 140 agents, ce groupe n’a intégré que 15 personnes, alors que ceux issus de la région de BBA, qui étaient au nombre de 40, ils ont tous intégrés.

AFRICA: ALGERIA: Lafarge : Les explications de la direction de la cimenterie

La direction générale de Lafarge Algérie a démenti ce mercredi 2 février l’information telle qu’elle a été rapportée hier, mardi, sur notre site en line, et selon laquelle une cinquantaine d’ex agents de sécurité de la cimenterie Lafarge de M’sila, auraient bloqué la route menant à la cimenterie de ce groupe, en entravant les approvisionneurs en ciment des wilayas du centre et du sud.

«Contrairement à ce qui a été rapporté, une vingtaine de personne de Hammam Dalaa ont manifesté pendant environ une heure sur deux routes de la wilaya au courant de l’après-midi du 1 février, mais sans entraver le fonctionnement de l’usine ni le processus de livraison du ciment aux clients », selon un communiqué signé par la chargée de presse de cette cimenterie, Lamia Ghadbane. 

Le groupe Lafarge a tenu a précisé que, «les motivations réelles de ces personnes ne sont pas claires, ces personnes anciens gardiens réclameraient d’être embauchés comme tels alors que plusieurs offerts par la société (Vigilance) à qui a été confiée la gestion de ma sécurité de l’usine en Août 2010 ne sont pas encore pourvus».

Plus en détail, le même communiqué précise que «sur les 95 anciens gardiens SGS de l’usine, seuls 75 se sont présentés à Vigilance pour solliciter un emploi ».

Selon le groupe «sur ces 75, 23 agents sont déjà en poste, et 17 seront affectés entre le 1er et 15 février. 27 autres ne se sont pas présentés à la date d’affectation, malgré l’augmentation de 50% de salaire. 8 seulement n’ont pas été réhabilités ».

Après quoi, la société Vigilance, selon le groupe Lafarge, «a rempli ses engagements qui étaient d’offrir la possibilité aux gardiens d’intégrer un nouvel emploi en son sein ». De même que Lafarge, selon Lamia Ghadbane, a rempli son engagement qui était simplement de faciliter le contacts entre les anciens gardiens et la nouvelle société de gardiennage ».

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

EEUU: Holcim to acquire remaining interest in Lattimore Materials Company

Holcim (US) Inc. announced today that Holcim Participations (US), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Holcim Ltd, has entered into a nonbinding letter of intent to acquire the remaining interest in Lattimore Materials Company, a Texas-based aggregates and ready-mix concrete producer. 

Holcim is currently a 49 percent limited partner of Lattimore Materials Company and will acquire the remaining 51 percent general and limited partnership interests. The transaction, which recently received clearance from the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice pursuant to the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act, remains subject to a definitive purchase agreement and satisfaction of other customary closing conditions. 

"The acquisition of the remaining 51 percent of Lattimore Materials Company is an important growth opportunity for the Holcim Group in North America," said Bernard Terver, Holcim Ltd United States Area Manager. "We are very happy to broaden our business in Texas after successfully partnering with Lattimore and their team over the past three years. Lattimore is one of the premiere aggregates and ready-mix concrete companies in Texas, a state where we have many valued customers."

CHINA: Sinoma Int'l estimates 2010 profit to have grown 80%

China Sinoma International Engineering<600970>, which is principally engaged in cement production and a listed subsidiary of China National Materials Group Corp, announced that it expected to see net profit for 2010 surge more than 80% year on year, sources reported.

The company attributed the profit surge to the increased operating revenue from core business.

China Sinoma said in a statement that its operating revenue was RMB 18.01 billion in 2009, with earnings per share of RMB 1.86. However, no figures for 2010 were given in the statement.

Separately, last December, the company signed a contract worth US$135 million to build a cement factory in Saudi Arabia. It inked such kind of contract with Saudi Arabian Hail Cement Co in May 2010.

INDIA: Builders up in arms against cement makers

 Builders are up in arms against cement manufacturers for alleged cartelisation and jacking up prices unrealistically thereby severely impacting the construction industry.

Members of the Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India (CREDAI) told newspersons here today though CREDAI had gone to the Competition Commission of India against the steep hike in prices of the basic construction raw material, the process was slow and impacted severely the common man who had to shell out additional amount.

Both cement and steel constituted nearly 32 per cent of the construction cost.

They said most of the cement manufacturers in the country increased production capacity by over 30 per cent every year by ploughing back internal resources rather than outside borrowings.

This gave an indication of how cash rich these companies were, they said.

They said since over 30 per cent of the cement makers were multinationals, attempts were also being made to take them to courts in the European Union to ensure cement prices were not jacked up artificially in the guise of rise in input costs.

EGYPT: Italcementi sospende la produzione nel Paese

MILANO – Italcementi ha temporaneamente sospeso la produzione in Egitto, dove è presente anche tramite la controllata Suez Cement. E’ quanto si apprende da fonti della società.

”Tutti gli espatriati presenti in Egitto, circa un centinaio di persone fra dipendenti e loro parenti, sono stati trasferiti fuori dal Paese – viene spiegato – grazie ad un ponte aereo organizzato nel corso del week end. Gli impianti sono stati messi in sicurezza e il Gruppo continua a monitorare con attenzione la situazione”.

Suez Cement ha oltre 4.000 dipendenti, è quotata alla Borsa del Cairo e opera in Egitto attraverso cinque impianti. Ha una quota di mercato di circa il 30 per cento e stima di essere leader di mercato nel settore del cemento. Nel 2009 ha realizzato vendite di cemento pari a circa 12 milioni di tonnellate, con un fatturato per 800 milioni di euro, pari al 15 per cento circa del fatturato di gruppo.

EGYPT: France's Lafarge suspends Egypt cement works

The French building materials company Lafarge said on Monday that it had suspended production at its Egyptian cement works because of the political crisis in the country. It follows a number of international firms that have withdrawn staff or scaled back operations due to security concerns in Egypt.

Lafarge employs 70 expatriates and 2,500 local staff in Egypt, and produces 10 million tonnes of cement per year. It has begun to evacuate foreign staff and their families, a spokesman for the group told the AFP news agency.

"Work could restart as soon as the situation returns to normal, given that the staff remains operational and the management of the units will remain in place," the spokesman said of the main cement plant.

Lafarge is the world's biggest cement producer, and its Middle East headquarters are in Egypt.

According to the firm's website, it owns a cement plant in the desert 100 kilometres southeast of Cairo, and operates 23 concrete plants and three aggregates quarries.

There are fears that ongoing demonstrations against the Egyptian government could have serious repercussions on the country's economic stability.

Earlier on Monday, ratings agency Moody's downgraded the country's debt rating by one notch to 'Ba2', with a further downgrade possible in the medium term.

Moody's explained in a statement that its decision was prompted by the "recent significant rise in political event risk," in the country.

Meanwhile oil prices rose to just under 100 dollars a barrel Monday, as fears that the events in Egypt could disrupt oil flowing through the Suez Canal on its way to the West.

Prices soon went down when the head of Opec said the cartel was ready to raise oil output if the Egypt crisis did affect supplies.