Thursday, December 12, 2013


The Iranian cement industry’s output stood at 50.25 million t in the first eight months of the current fiscal year (starting 21 March 2013), a 2.2% y/y increase compared with 49.16 million t in 2012.
During the first eight months, clinker output saw a 3.5% increase y/y, reaching 49.26 million t, compared to 47.59 million t in the same period in 2012. Cement and clinker production was reported to have reached 5.65 million t and 5.96 million t, respectively, from 23 October – 21 November. Around 39.83 million t of cement was supplied to the domestic market during the first eight months of the current fiscal year.
Iran is the top producer of cement and has the largest amount of exports in the Middle East, manufacturing 27 types of cement. The country exported cement to 24 different countries over the past fiscal year including Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, the UAE, Georgia, Oman, India and China. The outlook for the Iranian cement industry is bright due to the country’s availability of raw materials, a skilled workforce, high quality cement and low prices. The former Iranian Industry, Mine and Trade Minister, Mehdi Ghazanfari, stated in August 2012 that the country's cement production capacity is predicted to reach 110 million tpa by 2015.

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