Monday, November 30, 2015

TURKMENISTAN: Turkmenistan produces over 3 million tons of cement

Turkmenistan has produced around 3.3 million tons of cement since early 2015, said the message from the country’s government.

“The country has established its own cement industry meeting the demands of the domestic market in large-scale construction,” said the message. “Rich raw material resources for cement production open up export opportunities for the country as well.”

A plant with the capacity of 1.4 million tons of cement per year was put into operation by Turkish Polimeks in Turkmenistan’s Lebap province, said the message.

The plant produces portland cement, oil-well cement required for the oil and gas industry, and sulfate-resistant cement used in hydraulic units.

Polimeks also put into operation a similar plant in Turkmenistan’s west - in the Balkan province. Such large enterprises operate in the Ahal province as well.

To cover the demand, the country has opened 35 specialized outlets for selling cement at single price – 175 Turkmen manats per ton, said the government message.

The official exchange rate has remained at 3.5 manats/$1 in Turkmenistan since January 2015.

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